X-ray of the stomach

Have you been given an x-ray of the stomach with barium? Do not be too afraid of this procedure, it is completely unhealthy and, unlike endoscopy , does not cause any discomfort. This is just a way to assess the volume and location of this digestive organ, its work and the condition of the walls. The endoscope shows the picture from the inside, but the x-ray of the stomach with contrast gives an opportunity to examine its outer shell and the features of the motor.

How and why do X-rays of the stomach?

In order to make a roentgen of the stomach in accordance with the rules, the patient should begin to prepare for the procedure 2-3 days before:

1. It is necessary to limit the use of sharp, fatty, smoked products, not to abuse sweets.

Categorically it is impossible to take alcohol and there are dishes provoking increased gas formation:

2. Meat and food, which is digested for a long time, is also better to exclude.

3. Try on the last day before the X-ray, there are only boiled vegetables and porridges on the water. Sometimes doctors forget to warn the patient about the need to eat properly, which can lead to the fact that you have to expose yourself to irradiation again.

4. Preparation for a x-ray of the stomach also includes an enema, which must be done 2 hours before the procedure. Before it is recommended not to eat or drink, so it is better if the x-ray is scheduled for the morning.

X-ray of the stomach with barium, the preparation for which is carried out correctly, reveals the following violations of his work:

X-ray is an interactive process, the doctor who prescribed the procedure, evaluates the images of the x-ray of the stomach, which shows the monitor. This allows you to fully track the work of the body. The suspension of barium salts with water, which the patient drank, gradually fills the stomach and leaves the duodenum. You can track the whole process of digestion in real time.

The effects of x-ray of the stomach with barium

Now you know how to do an x-ray of the stomach. It remains only to tell what awaits the patient after the procedure. As a rule, during the procedure the patient drinks from 250 to 350 grams of contrast medium. The fluoroscopy itself lasts about 40 minutes therefore, in order not to become ill, it is better to take some clean water with you and drink it immediately after the process is over. In the following days it is better to eat only plant food and dairy products to avoid constipation, which provokes barium salts. No matter how bad you do not feel, do not take a laxative. It will only exacerbate the situation. Try drink lots of clean water and move more.

The X-ray of the stomach and esophagus is a fairly simple procedure for the patient, but doctors will have to work hard to see and consider all the nuances of the structure and work of your digestive organs. Treat their requests to turn, move, lie down, or bend over the X-ray with understanding. After all, this directly depends on what they see, and the quality of the received pictures.

The procedure is always performed by the attending physician, it is important to track the process of processing the barium suspension by the stomach and intestines, the pictures can only fix a certain moment. So if you decide to change the hospital, be prepared for the fact that you have to do an x-ray of the stomach again. Should I expose myself to extra risk by repeatedly receiving a large dose of radiation? It's up to you and only you.