Can I give a breast-feeding mother a grenade?

Diet questions worry every lactating mother. What the mother eats, directly affects the baby. After all, certain types of foods can cause crumbs allergy or other problems. That is why there are a lot of doubts on the topic of whether it is possible for the mother or those products. Among them - is it possible to be nursing a grenade. Moreover, everyone knows how useful this fruit is, and how positively it affects the condition of the body.

Benefit of pomegranate

The pomegranate is unusually tasty and extremely useful. It contains useful amino acids, vitamins, microelements, which are simply necessary for the normal functioning of the human body. Garnet increases the level of hemoglobin, strengthens the nervous system, immunity, they contain not only iron, but also iodine, calcium, potassium and silicon, as well as vitamins C, P, B6 and B12. By the amount of iron, pomegranate is practically inferior to red meat and by-products.

In addition, pomegranate is a powerful disinfectant, it cleanses the intestines, refreshes and tones, normalizes the work of the gastrointestinal tract. Also, pomegranate is useful for colds, it is a powerful antioxidant. All this makes Mom think about how to use pomegranate as often as possible during lactation.

Garnets appear on our table, usually in the winter, and therefore often they are almost the only source of such useful vitamins. Garnet with breastfeeding, as it seems, should be one of the main fruits in the diet. After a nursing mother lacks vitamins and trace elements, especially iron. As a result of the lack of this substance, both her and the baby may have anemia. However, in fact, not everything is so unambiguous, in some cases, grenades for nursing mothers may not be at all useful and simply harmful.

Potential harm of pomegranate

The main properties of garnet is that it strengthens quite strongly. And this means that if a mother or a baby has an already problem with a stool, it can aggravate the situation. In addition, pomegranate can be quite a strong allergen, because it refers to the so-called group of "red" fruits. Therefore, pomegranate for nursing, who themselves are allergic, or observe allergic manifestations in the baby, must be administered with caution. More safely you can breastfeed your mother to eat pomegranate, if her baby is already grown up, and he does not have allergies to other fruits.

Garnet during lactation

The question of whether it is possible for a mother to feed a pomegranate is that every mother should decide for herself. To begin with, you can try to enter into your diet a small amount of pomegranate and monitor the reaction of the baby. For the purity of the experiment, it is better to refrain at this time from introducing other new types of food. If the baby does not have an allergy or problems with a stool, then gradually you can increase the amount of grenade eaten.

The pomegranate can be nourished and in the form of juice, however, it is desirable to dilute it with water, so as not to have too strong a reaction as with side of the stomach, and from the teeth, because the acids contained in the garnet, quite aggressively affect the enamel. Do not get too carried away with packaged pomegranate juice with little-use additives, it is better to give preference to fresh fruit and squeeze out juice from them yourself.

Garnet with lactation is the best source of vitamins and minerals, as well as good mood. After all, these fruits are fresh and full of flavor. Do not forget only that it can be the cause of constipation or allergies, and also choose only fresh and ripe fruits. In this case, the pomegranate will bring you and your kid exceptional benefit.