Is it possible to feed a mother pea soup?

Nursing women, especially in the first months after childbirth, very much follow their diet. This is due to the fact that all babies suffer from colic and tummy tummies. Everyone knows that legumes can cause gas formation in an adult. But, if it is possible to feed a mother pea soup, so as not to harm the baby, you need to understand.

Just want to note that in the first two months after the birth of a child, a woman should have a strict diet, during which she eats only cooked and steamed food. Under the ban is a lot of products: fried, pickles, chocolate, legumes, carbonated drinks and much more.

Why can pea soup?

But after a two-month diet for nursing mother pea soup is possible, and nutritionists explain why. The fact is that any food that comes to our body, contains proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Vegetable proteins, which are contained in peas, after ingestion into the human body, are cleaved to amino acids. Of these, a protein is produced that is characteristic of human digestion. It is very specific and the body is not absorbed, but remains in the intestine. Further, its decomposition occurs, and as a result - gas formation, discomfort. The protein does not enter the blood, which means that it can not be in breast milk.

How to introduce the child to soup?

If you still doubt and do not know if you can eat pea soup, like a nursing mother, so that everything is in order with the belly of the crumb, then start small. Enter in your diet a very small portion of soup, literally 2-3 tablespoons and look at the reaction of the child. If during the day he does not have negative reactions, then you can gradually increase the daily dose to 150 ml. Although it is worth noting that doctors recommend this dish first dish no more than twice a week. It is also worth noting that the first dish is better to cook from dried peas, tk. it is digested by the body more easily than fresh peas, and without special undesirable moments.

So, the pea soup of a nursing mother can be eaten, only two months after birth, while not adding to the dish of any smoked products.

A recipe for a pea cream soup for a nursing woman.



  1. Peas soaked in cold water at night. Before boiling the peas, drain and pour 1.5 liters of cold water. Put everything in a saucepan and bring to a boil. Then reduce the heat to a small one and cook for about 2.5-3 hours until the peas are soft. Then drain the water.
  2. Chicken meat or beef, pour 2 liters of cold water and cook broth. Take out the meat and cut into small portions.
  3. Onions and carrots peel, peel the carrots with slices.
  4. Peel the potatoes and cut them into cubes.
  5. All vegetables are placed in a saucepan with broth and cook after boiling until the potatoes are soft (about 20 minutes). After that, add the prepared peas, salt and mix.
  6. Add at the end of a very little favorite greenery and let the soup cook a couple of minutes.
  7. After that, the soup is slightly cooled and placed with all the contents in the blender (for those who do not like boiled onions - you can not put it). Consistency of soup is adjusted at your discretion. Firstly, it is recommended to put all the vegetables with peas in a blender, and then dilute the liquid component of the soup with stirring.

That's all. Pea cream soup is served with pieces of boiled meat and crispy croutons. They can be prepared from a baguette, cut into small slices and dried for several minutes in a preheated oven.