Demon Mara in mythology

According to legend, the demon Mara can cause the death of a person in a dream. Scientists argue that the most helpless condition in which a person can be is a dream, so the spirit is a person only at night and threatens his health and life.

Who is Mara?

It is believed that Mara is a spirit of evil that comes at night to people in order to frighten or even bring on a deadly disease. When a person falls asleep, the king of demons Mara is to him, climbs onto his stomach and begins to choke. As a result, the victim, who has departed from sleep, but as if in a half-bred, is not just terrified, but also suffocated.

In different legends differently describe this evil spirits: Russian legends describe him as an old decrepit witch with long, loose hair, Ukrainian legends say that his appearance is similar to that of a man, but his features are strikingly different, and early Buddhists considered him to be just a nuisance.

Mara - Mythology

In mythology, Mara is the daughter of the god Svarog and Lada, the goddess of love, beauty and the goddess of fertility. She has beautiful external qualities, beautiful long hair and wears red clothes. Mara bestows not only death, but life. People always revered her on February 15, sometimes sacrificing her livestock to her altar.

According to the legend, Mara and her minions try to prevail every morning and destroy the rising Sun, but each time is powerless before his power and beauty. While practicing handicrafts, Mara uses in sewing not simple threads, but the threads of the destinies of living people. When she cuts the thread, a person goes out of life.

Demon Mara - Buddhism

In Buddhism, Mara - the personification of evil, is equivalent to the destructive forces of pride and lies, volatility. Demon Mara is the embodiment of the death and finiteness of human life. It is believed that this demon contributes to samsara (recurring death). The demon of Mara in Buddhism has four meanings:

Black Mara - who is this?

Black Mara is a spirit of reckoning and revenge. Her image is associated with death and with the seasonal rite of the resurrection and dying of nature. Has the face of a young girl or an old woman in black robes. She is able to send nightmares and illnesses, which can be protected from by prayer. As a rule, it comes at night, calling by name, asks to play with her or conduct something. If the victim does not succeed in luring a sure death, she touches it with her icy hand and from that moment the person will sleep in troubles and nightmares until the end of his days. As with vampires, a garlic clove will help the demon.

If Mara comes to the victim at night and starts to whisper something, the best way to confront is not to be afraid and calm down. Black Mara can torment not only people, but also livestock. There were cases when, in the distant 1646th year, the first words were said that the domestic fast falls in a barn every night from the hands of an old witch.

Slavic Mara

Mara, a Slavic goddess, has the ability to control the passage of time, and the ability to take life and save it. Mare is characterized by changes in appearance depending on the season, but it is believed that she is the goddess of winter, so revered it on March 1, the last feast of the winter deity. In another way, it is called "Morena" from the word "Mor", "Moret".

It is believed that she sends around the world her envoys, who are a person in the guise of a beautiful girl, or in the guise of a double person who is in danger of death. And if a misfortune occurred in the village, with its idol or face, the Slavs avoided it, asking Mara to let the ancestral spirits who could help at a difficult hour.