Citrine stone - magical properties

The name of the citrine stone appeared from the Latin word "citrus", which means "lemon yellow". Still this mineral can be called golden topaz. There are different shades of stone, starting with a pale shade and to a rich dark color. Citrine has a number of properties that can be used by humans, as for the therapeutic effect, then people knew about it in ancient times.

The magical properties of the citrine stone

Given the yellowish color of this mineral, many call it a solar stone that has tremendous energy. Due to this, it is recommended to use it in the event of loss of strength, as well as depression and bad mood. The power of citrine helps to establish relationships with close people, and this stone develops creativity and self-confidence . By the way, in some countries this mineral was worn by a sharper, so many consider citrine a double stone, which can help scammers and good people.

Since ancient times, in the territory of the former USSR, citrine has been called a "merchant's stone", which can draw luck and improve the situation in the financial sphere. It is believed that if you put a pebble in a place where money is stored, you can attract wealth to your house. To feel the magic properties associated with finances, to wear a citrine is in the form of a ring and only on the little finger. People who are engaged in business can wear jewelry on the middle or index finger, which will help to easily convince others of their rightness and establish relationships with partners.

It is worth noting that the citrine does not accumulate negative energy, so you do not need to clean it. The mineral has the power to purify the human chakras, and if you use it for meditation, you can be saturated with solar energy. By contacting with citrine, you can establish harmony in yourself, smoothing out sharp corners. Psychics claim that the stone can create a certain invisible shield that protects the aura. Since ancient times, people use citrine to create different amulets. For example, people believed that the stone protects against snake bites and scorpions.

Therapeutic properties of yellow citrine

The main action of this mineral is directed to the solar plexus, therefore its energy positively affects the work of the digestive tract, liver and endocrine system, which will purify the body of various toxins and harmful substances. It is important to note that only clean crystals have healing properties, in which there are no extraneous impregnations. If a person suffers from insomnia, then he can go to bed together with the adornment with the citrine. Lithotherapists recommend using this stone for people with cystitis and gastritis. It is worth noting the positive effect of the crystal on brain function. It will be useful for children, since it is recommended to use the stone in the presence of speech defects.

Who is citrine suitable for and its properties?

Astrologers call this stone "universal", because it is neutral for all signs of the zodiac. But it is not recommended for Scorpio and Taurus to constantly wear jewelry with citrine, as the stone can lead to deceit and lies. Especially favorable are the properties of the citrine stone for zodiac signs Lviv and Aries. For such people, it will become a kind of magnet that attracts luck and happiness.

Since citrine is a stone of Mercury, its energy is ideal for people engaged in trade. It is recommended to take it and travel. If you use a pendant with citrine, then you can not be afraid of public speaking, because a person becomes an excellent speaker. Such an ornament will be useful also for vulnerable and impressionable people.