How to make a mascot?

We all at heart even believe in magic a little. Perhaps, that's why many are interested in how to make a talisman, and preferably one that really has some power. In fact, there is nothing complicated in this, and every person can try himself as a beginning magician.

How to make a talisman?

As a talisman can act as an acquired or gifted thing, and made by own hands. Remember: one talisman can only answer for one sphere of life, not for all at once! Try to back up your amulet with thoughts about the situations that it really worked out, and its influence will increase. By the way, the technology of how to make a stone or bracelet a mascot is exactly the same.

How to make a talisman for good luck?

Wait for the evening, light the candles, get yourself out of trouble. Pick up the object that you decided to make a talisman, close your eyes and remember all the moments when you were lucky. Wander for the most pleasant memories for a while, feel the joy of luck. Later, when you sufficiently imbue the amulet with positive energy, hide it. Beginning the next morning it can already be used - carry it with you. When you will be lucky, be sure to take it in your hands and mentally celebrate its merits. There is nothing easier than how to make a thing a talisman!

How to make a money mascot?

Many pursue quite selfish goals, and want to know how to make a talisman for money. To do this, pick up an object that you would like to make a monetary talisman, and imagine the beautiful life that you have always dreamed of: a huge salary, a cozy house, servants, smart cars, a rest in the warm regions ... Just dreaming about it all, put the amulet in the jewelry box or in the purse and do not touch a few days. After that, you can carry it with you.

How to make a talisman for love?

Choose the most beautiful of your decorations, squeeze it in your hand, lean back in an armchair or on a sofa and dream. What should be your elect? High, brown-eyed, talented, successful, kind, sympathetic? ... Think of his image very clearly, but do not concentrate on the exterior. Imagine how much joy and care he brings to your life, imagine happiness from your wedding . Imagine how you will take care of him, make surprises to him, and most importantly - when it will be convenient for you to meet him. After this, put off the amulet until the morning, and from the next day you can wear it as usual - only now it will attract to you the most worthy and courageous men.