Tomat Koenigsberg

Long ago, the days when tomatoes were grown only as an ornamental plant, and their fruits were considered not only harmful, but even dangerous for human life, had already gone down in history. Currently, the beneficial properties of the fruits of this plant are known to everyone: their use for the nervous system, digestion and metabolic processes is indisputable. That is why, today it is unlikely to find a garden, where a couple of beds of beds would not be diverted for tomatoes. There are a lot of tomato varieties and every housewife will certainly have her own favorite variety. But all records of popularity among varieties of tomato today are beating the variety of Koenigsberg.

Tomat Koenigsberg - description

Tomato Koenigsberg red refers to varieties of an average maturity period, adapted to growing outdoors. It was created thanks to the works of Siberian breeders-amators. The variety is distinguished by its excellent yield: the bushes are literally sprinkled with fruits, the mass of each of which reaches about 300 grams. Fruits have an elongated shape that looks like eggplants. Tomatoes of the Koenigsberg variety have excellent taste qualities, they are stored for a long time and can be well preserved . The yield of the variety is equal to two or three buckets of tomatoes from each bush. On one square meter of the bed can be placed three plants.

Tomato Koenigsberg gold differs from the red yellow-orange coloration of the fruit. The fruits of golden Koenigsberg are rich in carotene and therefore they are also called "Siberian apricots". The variety is characterized by excellent yield: at least 5 fruits are knotted on each brush, each of which has a mass of about 300 grams. Golden Koenigsberg is perfect for both conservation and consumption in fresh form. Fruits have a dense structure, so they are stored for a long time and do not lose shape when preserved.

Tomato Koenigsberg heart-shaped is one of the varieties of the variety. From its counterparts, it differs in size: the bushes are tall, and the fruits can reach a record weight of 1 kg. As well as other varieties of the Koenigsberg variety, the heart-shaped Koenigsberg is famous for its excellent yield and remarkable fruit qualities. Because of the particularly large fruit size, the heart-shaped Koenigsberg is not suitable for canning, so it is mainly grown for fresh consumption.