Sedative collection

Because of the modern rhythm of life, not everyone can boast of a completely healthy nervous system. Stresses, depression, overstrain are familiar, probably, to all. Each person chooses his own sedatives individually. Someone discharges conversation with a friend, someone has enough valerian pills, and some turn to nicotine and alcohol for help. Herbal sedative remedy is a remedy that would not prevent the people in the medicine chest from being introduced to you, not by hearsay, who are familiar with nervous disorders, emotional overstresses and depressions.

When are herbal remedies used?

Soothing collection is a 100% natural remedy. Its composition includes dried herbs, which, getting into the body, can have a calming sedative effect. Despite the fact that the charges are made on a natural basis, they are absolutely safe and can not be used uncontrollably.

The main indications for the use of sedatives are:

In pharmacies today you can find several varieties of fees. Their main components are the same, the difference is only in some additional components. Due to the latter, some collections besides sedation can also have spasmolytic effects, others - relieve colic, others - effectively fight headaches.

Those sedative collections of herbs, in which there is valerian or motherwort, favorably affect patients with the initial stage of hypertension. And the collection with hops will calm even a serious attack of hysteria.

The main types of sedatives

To date, there are six main types of sedatives:

  1. The soothing collection 1 consists of leaves of mint and watch, cones of hops and valerian root in a ratio of 2: 2: 1: 1. It is used for insomnia and nervous excitement. Very well helps in the fight with increased irritability. To prepare the collection, a couple tablespoons of the dry mixture should be poured with boiling water and strain after 20 minutes.
  2. In the sedative collection 2 in the same amount are collected such components: chamomile flowers, fennel and caraway fruits, mint leaves and valerian root. To prepare a remedy, you need a spoonful of dried herbs and a glass of boiling water. Drinking collection number 2 for nervous disorders, accompanied by intestinal spasm and flatulence. It is best to take the medication at night.
  3. As part of the sedative collection 3 - the root of valerian, fruits of cumin and fennel, dried motherwort. All in equal numbers. Assign this kind of collection with excessive nervous excitement and irritability. To some, a sedative collection # 3 helps to overcome insomnia better than other sedatives. To prepare the preparation, fill two tablespoons of the dry mixture with two glasses of boiling water and insist, until it cools completely. After - strain.
  4. In the 4th sedative collection, only three components: the leaves of the watch and mint and the root of valerian, mixed in a proportion of 4: 3: 3. Preparation is similar to the collection of number 1. Specialists recommend using it for insomnia, nervous excitement and excessive irritability.
  5. In a sedative collection 5 in a proportion of 3: 2: 5 collected flowers of chamomile, valerian root and cumin fruit. The indications for use and the preparation of charges No. 4 and No. 5 are no different.
  6. The sixth collection consists of valerian, motherwort , leaves of mint, hips and hops, mixed in equal quantities. A tablespoon of a dry remedy is poured with boiling water and the hour is insisted.