Blueberries - useful properties

Blueberries are not only delicious, but also useful. Sweet bluish-purple berry contains a lot of nutrients that help the body to strengthen and maintain health.

So it turns out that the more pharmaceutics develops, the more people understand that nature has been the most important for us: the most important antibacterial, antiviral, anti-inflammatory and other substances are contained in berries, in plants, in fruits. And the appeal to nature is not a "step back" in the field of medicine, but a conscious and reasonable treatment strategy.

The properties of blueberries were known to our ancestors only in general terms, and over time the possibilities of this berry became more understandable. It turns out that blueberries can be not only useful, but also harmful. Why this is so - let's try to determine, based on its composition.

Useful properties of blueberry garden

Blueberries are a northern plant. It is common in countries with a temperate and cold climate, and from this it can be concluded that blueberries are not accustomed to simple conditions, which means that the medicinal properties of blueberries can be very effective.

When selecting blueberries, it can easily be confused with blueberries, and the only tangible difference between them is taste. Blueberries are sour, and blueberries are sweet, with greenish flesh.

Useful properties of blueberries are easily determined by the composition:

In addition to vitamins, blueberries also contain macronutrients - calcium, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus and sodium.

Microelements in blueberry are represented only by iron.

Coming out of the composition, the healing properties of blueberries help with the following diseases:

If you consume blueberry every day for several months, you can well strengthen the walls of blood vessels, lower "harmful" cholesterol and reduce allergic reactions that are caused by body contamination and disruption of the digestive tract.

Blueberry berries have the following properties:

Useful properties of blueberries during pregnancy are obvious, but, like any medicine, they should not be taken literally. Such a set of vitamins, like A, E and K is really useful for women's health, and especially in pregnancy. But do not abuse vitamin wealth and eat blueberries constantly in large portions so as not to upset the hormonal balance, which during pregnancy is unstable. Any diet during this period should be discussed with the doctor.

Contraindications to the use of blueberries

Blueberry has not only useful properties, but also contraindications: for example, it is forbidden to eat with dyskinesia of bile ducts, despite the fact that it has choleretic action. If dyskinesia is strongly pronounced and exacerbated, then it is better to eat blueberries before softening the symptoms.

Useful properties and harm of blueberries also depend on the number of berries: if they are eaten in large quantities, it will lead to nausea, possibly vomiting and dizziness. The general condition can resemble intoxication, accompanied by a headache. Therefore, you need to remember the rule: "everything is good, that's in moderation."