How to slow down hair growth?

After hair removal, you really want to slow down hair growth, so that the effect of smooth skin lasts as long as possible. In order to postpone the next hair removal procedure, you can use proven folk remedies to slow down hair growth.

Means that slow hair growth


Indian women have long noticed that a spice such as turmeric helps to significantly slow the growth of unwanted hair on the body.

To make a product, you need to take a low-fat moisturizer, squeeze out the necessary amount and add turmeric, mix and apply to the skin. Keep this mass should not more than 10 minutes, then rinse with slightly warm water.

Turmeric can be added as many as you want, even 1: 1. Just before smearing the body, do a sensitivity test: if you pinch, take a little less or more of the curds.

Grape juice

Lubricate the skin where depilation is carried out, freshly squeezed grape juice. You can take grapes, cut into halves and wipe them. It is necessary to carry out this procedure immediately after hair removal and, if possible, repeat every day.

Lotion, slowing hair growth

All the ingredients need to be mixed in glassware and wipe the skin where unwanted hair grows . Such rubbing will have to be done several times a day, therefore, observing the proportions, you can make many lotions at once.

Oil that slows down the growth of facial hair

To cook this oil, take 40 g of crushed nettle seeds, pour them 1 glass of vegetable oil and leave for two weeks in a dark cool place. Lubricate the prepared area with problem areas of the face and the result will not take long.

If the hair grows quickly on the legs, compresses from the juice of potatoes will slow their growth. To do this, you need to grate a few potatoes on a fine grater, squeeze out and get the juice processed legs. You can put a napkin, moistened in juice, on top of the wrapped film and hold for ten minutes. After this, always grease your feet with cream.