Shampoo Friederm Tar

Cosmetics can not only have functions of care, but also have a significant medicinal effect. Shampoo Friederm Tar - a vivid example of this. The product not only effectively fights against fungus, seborrhea and psoriasis, but also perfectly cleanses the scalp and hair. This shampoo has other advantages.

Shampoo composition Friederm Tar

Composition of the product Friedermom Tar is extremely concise. The main active substance, wood tar, is presented in a concentration of 5 grams per 150 ml of shampoo. The rest of the components are designed to clean the hair and skin and make Friederm easy to use - thick and soapy. It:

There are no additional components in the shampoo, because it can be considered hypoallergenic.

Friederm tar is a dark liquid with an amber tint, fluorescent in the dark. It is easily applied to the scalp and is easy to apply. The product should be applied to damp hair twice, the second time it needs to be foamed and left for 3-5 minutes. The course of treatment of seborrhea lasts 4-17 weeks, psoriasis of the dermal part of the head - 7-14 weeks. The remedy should be applied 1-2 times a week.

The main feature of this shampoo is that it helps against any kind of dandruff , but it significantly reduces the production of sebum. If your hair is prone to dryness, it is necessary to use a nourishing balm conditioner. In addition to the direct effect, Friederm Tar has other:

The nearest analogues of Shampoo Friederm Tar

Analogues and generics of Friederm shampoo with tar is for some other firms. As a rule, all these means differ only availability of auxiliary ingredients and their quality. The main component, tar, remains unchanged. Here are the most common tools:

If you have developed an individual sensitivity to birch tar, as an alternative, you can try Friederm Zinc shampoo .