What is shugaring - everything you need to know about the popular procedure

Among the many ways to remove excess hair from the face and body, women prefer the longest-lasting options - hair removal. One of the best cosmetic techniques is shugaring. This pulling the hairs together with the root with a thick paste based on sugar.

Can I make shugaring at home?

Salon procedures are constantly becoming more expensive, so many women have mastered the art of this epilation themselves. If you first thoroughly study what is and how shugaring is done, the manipulation will be performed no worse than that of a professional. With experience, it will take less time, and the results will be much better. When shugaring at home does not work, you can make an appointment for 1-2 sessions of salon sugar epilation and carefully see how it is performed by the master. Most cosmetologists willingly give useful advice and share valuable advice.

Is it painful to do shugaring?

This procedure is unpleasant. The degree of discomfort experienced depends on the zone in which the epilation is performed. It is important to clearly understand what shugaring is - pulling the hair off the root. Painful manipulation is comparable to waxing (removing "vegetation" with cosmetic wax ). Shugaring (sugar hair removal) causes slightly less unpleasant sensations, but it is hard for women with sensitive skin to withstand the procedure.

Particularly pronounced discomfort is noted with such treatment of the bikini area, face and underarms. If the sugar hair removal at home is carried out for the first time and without experience, it will be painfully and unusually. Gradually, the skin will get used to manipulation, and hair will become less and less. The more often and more qualitatively the procedure is performed, the less pain it accompanies.

How to do shugaring?

To remove excess hair with caramel paste, you need to have cosmetic materials and prepare the skin. Before making sugar hair removal at home, it is advisable to look at the work of a professional and remember his movements. The main difficulty of the procedure is the correct use of the paste. It can not be severed abruptly from the skin, which occurs during waxing. Caramel is removed by short twitching, parallel to the surface of the epidermis. Another nuance - sugar paste is applied against, and is removed by the growth of hair. When using wax - all the way around.

What do you need for a slouching?

Caramel hair removal involves the presence of several simple adaptations and cosmetic products. What is needed - shugaring at home:

Shugaring at home - recipe

There are many variations of making cosmetic caramels, each of which has its own advantages. The most popular is the standard pasta for shugaring - at home, it's easy to find all the ingredients that make up it. Such caramel can be stored in the refrigerator for a long time, the adhesive properties are restored by simple heating.

Classical pasta for shugaring at home



  1. Mix all ingredients in a small saucepan or a scoop with a thick bottom.
  2. Put the container in a weak fire.
  3. Continue stirring the compound.
  4. After 1-1.5 minutes the mixture should become homogeneous, and the sugar is completely melted.
  5. After another 2 minutes, the paste begins to boil and bubble, at this point it can be seen that it changes color to yellowish-golden.
  6. Continuing to interfere, monitor the density of the remedy. After 5-7 minutes the mixture should darken, become more viscous, acquire a caramel-amber hue.
  7. If you drip into a glass with cold water a bit of this composition, it should take the shape of a ball and harden, then the paste is ready.
  8. The resulting product is poured into a clean plastic or glass dish with a wide neck.
  9. Allow the body to cool to a comfortable temperature for the body. In consistency, it should resemble liquid caramel.

Honey Shugaring - recipe


Preparation :

  1. Mix the ingredients.
  2. Cooking mixture is similar to the classical method.
  3. Remove the composition from the plate when it acquires the consistency of thick honey.
  4. Pour the product into a clean dry container and cool it.

Shugaring - preparation for the procedure

To manipulate the most effective and painless, it is necessary to perform several preliminary activities. Given the fact that such shugaring, and how it works, it is important to take care of preventing skin irritation, its infection after the procedure and ingrown hairs. To do this, you need to stock up with a scrub, antiseptic and baby powder or starch.

How to properly do shugaring - preparatory steps:

  1. Carry out a thorough peeling of the treated areas. Any scrub, including homemade (coffee, saline and others) will do.
  2. Clean and dry the skin with chlorhexidine, which will ensure disinfection.
  3. Apply a thin layer of starch or baby powder to the epidermis. Powder absorbs excess skin fat, which will improve the grasping of hairs.

Shugaring zones

Such epilation can be used on any, even sensitive, areas of the body. Shugaring the zone of a bikini, face or armpits is less painful than waxing. It rarely leads to irritation and inflammation, with proper performance does not cause ingrown hairs. With caramel it is convenient to remove excess "vegetation" on the legs, hands, buttocks, back and chest.

Here's how to make shugaring:

  1. Take a piece of pasta so that it is the size of a walnut. Stretch it over the skin against hair growth.
  2. A little bend your fingers with a "boat". Sharp movement, parallel to the skin, pull the paste in the direction of hair growth. Repeat this for neighboring areas.
  3. If the standard technique is not mastered, you can apply a bandage method. After stretching the paste over the skin, a piece of the same epilation paper is pasted onto it, as in the case of waxing. Strip the strip in the direction of hair growth.

After shugaring care

Correctly executed sugar epilation is accompanied by moderate pain sensations, does not cause strong irritation, formation of hematomas and does not provoke ingrown hairs. After such a procedure, the redness of the treated areas and a slight swelling can be observed. That the epilation of sugar paste at home is easier, you should ensure that the skin is properly maintained:

  1. Remove caramel residues with warm water.
  2. Wipe the epidermis with chlorhexidine.
  3. Lubricate the skin with a moisturizing and soothing cream.
  4. First day after manipulation do not sunbathe, do not visit saunas, swimming pools and baths, do not use aggressive cosmetic means.
  5. After 2-3 days regularly do peeling and apply nourishing milk or body cream.

Irritation after slouching

If the skin has strongly reddened due to such removal of superfluous hair, on it inflamed pryshchiki were formed, it is necessary to start immediately treatment. Epilation with sugar paste sometimes causes irritation, especially if there is a sensitive epidermis. Using the following tools helps to cope with it:

Ingrown hair after slouching

This problem arises either because of improper performance of hair removal, or in the absence of proper care. Given that such shugaring, ingrown hair occurs against the background of rapid dying off the upper layer of the epidermis and plugging the follicles with dried out skin particles. They must be systematically removed with peeling. If you regularly apply scrub, shugaring feet, hands and other zones will pass quickly and less painfully, and your hair will stop growing.