Sex at 7 months of pregnancy

Intimate communication during pregnancy is often a topic for talking with an observing gynecologist. Most modern doctors do not prohibit sexual intercourse during the carrying out of a child. However, at the same time, women pay attention to the period and its state of health. Let's try to understand and answer the question as to whether it is possible to have sex during the 7th month of pregnancy and that it is necessary to take into account this.

Is sex permitted at the beginning of the third trimester?

Most doctors give a positive answer to this question. At the same time, the peculiarities of the course of gestation itself are an important fact.

So, there are violations, in which intimate communication is unacceptable when bearing a baby. These include:

In other cases, sex at 7-8 months of pregnancy is possible.

What should be considered when making love during gestation?

Particular attention during sex at 7 months of pregnancy should be given to the choice of posture. All those positions in which the spouse is on top, are unacceptable to use. The stomach is already quite large, so making love is quite problematic. In addition, there is a possibility of pressure on the fetus.

It is best to adhere to those positions in which a pregnant woman will be on top. In such cases, she can independently regulate the depth of the introduction of the penis into the vagina.

Also, it is not uncommon for married couples to opt for a pose on their side. In such a position, the pressure on the abdominal surface is completely ruled out. Knowing what kind of sex you can practice in 7 months of pregnancy, the pregnant woman will avoid possible complications.

Separately, it is necessary to say about the frequency of sex during pregnancy. Doctors adhere to the rule of no more than 2-3 acts per week. This option is optimal and reduces the likelihood of developing hypertension of the uterus. This phenomenon is fraught with premature birth.