Broth of dogrose during pregnancy

Most medicinal plants and their fruits can be used or even banned in pregnancy. But this does not apply to rose hips at all. Rosehip is a medicine that can and must be drunk during pregnancy.

Than the dog rose for pregnant women is useful?

In the flesh of rose hips contain phosphorus, iron, potassium, manganese, magnesium, copper, silicon; tannic, pectic substances, organic acids. It contains a lot of vitamin C. It contains carotene, vitamins of group B, E, K, R.

Drink from the dog rose excellent immunity in pregnancy. The first tool recommended for the prevention of viral diseases during pregnancy is tea from a dogrose.

Broth of dogrose also reduces the unpleasant manifestations of toxicosis in pregnancy.

Among other things, dog rose:

How to brew fruit of a dogrose during pregnancy?

Here's how to properly brew a dog rose for use by pregnant women:

  1. Take 10-12 tbsp. spoons of wild hips on 1 liter of water.
  2. Pre-berry need to be crushed in a mortar.
  3. Brew with boiling water and leave to infuse for 5-6 hours. It is most convenient for cooking wild boar during pregnancy to take a thermos, so the infusion will remain warm for a long time.
  4. Strain infusion.

How to drink rosehip during pregnancy?

To drink broth of a dogrose for pregnant women it is possible and in the pure state, and having added in it honey, two-three times a day after meal on 0,5 glasses. This amount of decoction allows you to saturate the body with the beneficial substances contained in the dogrose. It is necessary to know that the daily amount of rose hip broth for pregnant women with normal renal function should not be more than 1 liter.

Contraindication for the use of dog rose is: