Signs of toxicosis

Toxicosis is one of the first symptoms of pregnancy. It catches this unpleasant feeling almost every second pregnant woman. Toxicosis is an individual condition during pregnancy. One woman enthusiastically enjoys her position, the other tries to cope with serious ailments. There is toxicosis and the strength of manifestations of symptoms.

Toxicosis in the early stages

Toxicosis is not only nausea and vomiting, but also a host of other symptoms and ailments.

Symptoms of toxicosis:

Toxicosis is early and late. The first signs of early toxemia occur in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy. But after a while suddenly all the unpleasant signs of an early toxicosis disappear as suddenly as they appeared. Early toxicosis, as a rule, does not require medical treatment. An exception is toxicosis, in which the frequency of vomiting exceeds 20 times, counting for a day. Before this figure, toxicosis is considered to be the norm.

Late toxicosis and its symptoms

The situation is more complicated with late toxicosis, which occurs after 28 weeks of pregnancy. In neglected form, he can threaten the health of mom and baby.

Late toxicosis, the symptoms of which are manifested somewhat differently than in the early toxicosis, occurs against a background of certain diseases. These include: diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, obesity, etc.

Signs of late toxicosis (gestosis):

  1. Stage 1 - dropsy of pregnant women. Puffiness of the extremities and face.
  2. Stage 2 - nephropathy, kidney disorders. Reduction in the amount of urine released, in the analyzes there is a protein in the urine.
  3. Stage 3 - pre-eclampsia. Also there is swelling and protein in the urine, and there are additional symptoms: headache, "flies" before the eyes, visual impairment, nausea and vomiting. In the event that the eclampsia passes into eclampsia, this condition is fraught with a lethal outcome.

Fortunately, pregnancy leads to such manifestations extremely rarely. As a rule, all complex symptoms are prevented in the first 2 stages.

Many doctors came to the conclusion that the presence of toxicosis, in addition to hormonal changes, affects the fears and worries of the future mother. Therefore, every mom should relax, tune in for the best and remember that any manifestations of toxicosis will soon be over. Toxicosis is not forever!