Multiple pregnancy

Multiple pregnancy is called two or more children. The doubles or more of the fruits that arise from the fertilization of two eggs can be same-sex and not, and at the same time they will be similar to each other no more than ordinary brothers and sisters. Twins are born less often than twins and appear as a result of fertilization with one spermatozoon of one egg, which is then divided. Since twins are carriers of one genetic material, they are always born same-sex, similar to each other and always have the same blood group.

Multiple pregnancy - causes

Without any doubt, the main causes are heredity, especially on the maternal line. There is an opinion that it is possible to cause multiple pregnancies as a result of the use of assisted reproductive technologies. According to numerous studies, to date, about 50% of multiple pregnancies occur after IVF, as well as due to hormonal stimulation of egg maturation. Another important factor is the age of the mother. In women over 35 years of age, the likelihood of multiple pregnancy is higher, because before the onset of extinction of the ovaries functions, there is a surge in hormone production.

Multiple pregnancy - signs

  1. Excessive fatigue - during the first trimester moms increase drowsiness, exhaustion, as the body works overtime, nurturing two babies at once.
  2. The first sign of multiple pregnancies is a fat positive band on the test.
  3. Big belly.
  4. Severe toxicosis.
  5. An abnormal result of the AFP test is a blood test to determine the growth of risks of birth defect. In case of multiple pregnancy, the result is usually high or positive.
  6. The number of heart beats with the help of special equipment by the Doppler system.

For sure to confirm the presence of multiple pregnancy can only be using ultrasound.

Features of multiple pregnancies

The average duration of a multiple pregnancy is 37 weeks. In fact, the same physiological changes occur with the body of the woman as in normal pregnancy, but in the case of multiple pregnancies, they become more pronounced. Due to the rapid increase in the uterus and the volume of amniotic fluid, pressure on the internal organs increases. As a result, heartburn, digestive system disorders, constipation and frequent urination may occur. As a result of a strong displacement of the diaphragm, the activity of the cardiovascular and respiratory system becomes more difficult. Throughout pregnancy, a woman who has two or more children faces a large body of requirements. Therefore, from the moment of confirming the presence of multiple pregnancies, a woman should regularly visit a women's consultation. Also, you should stick to a protein and iron-containing diet, take folic acid and drugs that help to relieve muscle spasms of internal organs. It is very important to monitor the consumption of salt and liquid, and not to allow excessive weight gain. At multiple pregnancy rate of weight gain, regardless of the woman's own weight, is from 16-21 kg.

Of course, with multiple pregnancies, all organs and systems begin to work with a high voltage and as a result, quite often there are various complications. One of the more frequent complications is premature birth, for this reason, many doctors recommend a pregnant bed rest at approximately 28 weeks.

Sex with multiple pregnancies

Multiple fertility is already quite a serious burden on the woman's body, and sex can be dangerous for the development of pregnancy. And even in the event that your pregnancy is normal, with multiple pregnancy it is recommended to refrain from intimacy.