Mint color in the interior

Many people confuse mint color with the color of green foliage of real mint. But everything here is somewhat more complicated and is connected with how we perceive the world around us. We all know that this plant is very refreshing. That is why the interior in mint colors gives us an unusual feeling of coolness. Designers believe that it consists of cold shades of light green color, but slightly diluted with blue. Just depending on the saturation, the last shade in it can be more or less. Too bright green colors can no longer be called mint colors, but aquamarine, pung, cold pastel, slightly blurred and faded tones are variations of this color.

The combination of mint color in the interior

Its peculiarity is that it does not irritate, and almost never bothers the owners. Mint colors are perfectly combined with related tones - emerald, coniferous, turquoise, green. But next to a very bright color, they cease to be perceived, as if dissolving in the atmosphere. Maybe that's why they are often used together with white or cream. It is best to apply mint shades on smooth, glossy surfaces.

Mint is associated with us most often with spring and the world, with freshness and youth. Painted in these colors, the walls give a cool in hot weather, like a nice cocktail stretched from the refrigerator. That is why it is often used in rest rooms, kindergartens, hospitals or sanatoria. Here it acts soothingly on the psyche, slightly softening the nervous atmosphere. In addition, mint color is natural, familiar to the human eye.

Mint interior

This situation will make the children's room fresh and soothing, and the bedroom of the young girl is even more feminine. This interior is also suitable for those who are close to the style of Provence, vintage or fashionable nowadays cheby-chic (shabby chic). It is this color, like no other, that will help you create the so-called "shabby luxury" in the apartment and will go to the old beautiful furniture. Cool at first glance shades, can make our room in this style very comfortable, spacious, in which it is easy to breathe. Mint color in combination with fruit tones will look great in the interior of the kitchen. In this room it will be no less good than the usual and bright colors of fresh greens.