Feng Shui Room

Each room of a private house, apartment and even a hostel should be arranged in accordance with certain rules, then it will become a source of positive energy.

The correct design of the room by Feng Shui will firmly tie you to financial well-being, happiness, health and luck.

Feng Shui children's room

Chinese philosophy divides all people, objects and phenomena of nature into Yin and Yang. Energy Yan, which characterizes the rapid growth, development and movement, is characteristic of children. Therefore, the situation in the children's room should be appropriate.

It is better that the nursery was closer to the entrance or in the middle of the dwelling, and faced the east. If the children's room is located in the back of the apartment, the child will become the master and subordinate all members of the family.

Do not buy furniture modules, where there is a bed above the study table. According to Feng Shui, the energy of sleep will be intertwined with the energy of rest. The child will not be able to concentrate on the lessons, and during the rest to have a good rest. The bed under the ceiling presses psychologically, dust and waste air accumulate there. Working (playing) and sleeping areas are better divided. According to Feng Shui, the room of a teenager in the southwestern part is responsible for rest, and the northeastern part for training.

Chandelier, ceiling beam or cabinets above the bed will inhibit the development of the child. The color range of the room should be in the "Yang tones" - bright furniture and wallpaper, funny pictures, posters.

Accustom the child to cleanliness and accuracy. The confusion nullifies all feng shui. For the best development of the child, regularly ventilate the room, do not accumulate unnecessary things.

Feng Shui Bathroom

In the bathroom, Yin energy predominates, due to the large amount of water. In order not to accumulate stagnant energy and dampness, it should be well ventilated.

To avoid leakage of chi energy, the bathroom should not be visible from the entrance door. Always close the doors tightly and lower the lid of the toilet bowl. You can hang a large mirror on the outside of the door.

The color of the room on feng shui should be pastel (pink, light green, peach , blue, cream). Smooth, hard and shiny materials accelerate the flow of qi energy and do not allow it to stagnate.

Make the lighting bright, remove all the excess from the shelves, then the qi energy will move easily, and the room will be relaxed and resting.

Feng Shui Bedroom

The bedroom should be in the back of the house. The bed should not stand in front of the front door. If the bed is double, access to it must be from three sides, and the mattress - one-piece. Two separate beds are better not to shift. By feng shui in the passage room you can not sleep. A beam above the bed can lead to quarrels and divorce. Feng Shui does not welcome mirrors in the bedroom, because they double the Qi energy, and its overabundance leads to conflicts.

Under the bed there should be no debris and dust. Do not keep in the room old magazines, flowers, documents and money, an aquarium, unnecessary things.

The light should be soft and muffled. Well, when the furniture in the bedroom has rounded edges.

Feng Shui dorm room

Keep the room clean, constantly air, so you will get rid of the negative energy emanating from casual guests. Curtains should be tight, it promotes a good sleep.

The best color of the walls is white. By Feng Shui, he promotes the rapid assimilation of information. Light green color gives prosperity and personal growth, red - popularity. The combination of black and blue increases mental capacity. Do not use dull yellow and brown. These colors inhibit all processes.