Talisman for luck with own hands

Many people want luck to accompany them always and in everything. Nowadays there are a lot of amulets that you can just buy in special stores and charge with your energy. Although the most effective talisman for luck is one that you will do personally with your own hands. Only your energy will be concentrated in it, which means that the force of action will be enormous.

Talismans of luck and wealth

To make the amulet, the first thing you need to do is to decide on the subject that will perform the talisman mission. These can be generally recognized items: clover, horseshoe, ancient coins and others, or talismans that correspond to your horoscope: stones, metals, plants, as well as personal items.

Talisman conspiracy for luck

In order for the amulet to start working, a ritual is required. For him, take the selected object and a green candle. The ritual must be spent on the growing moon. Light the candle, take the object in your right hand and wait for the talisman to fill your energy. When you feel a ripple, bring it to your face at the level of the "third eye". Mentally imagine the situations in which you will use, and wait for help from the mascot. Put it in front of the candle and say the spell: "A stone that came to light from the bowels of the earth, a stone of earthly strength!" Take the power of the elements, increase your strength every hour, every minute, until you reach full power. Let it be, as it is said! Let it be as I want! " The talisman should be near the candle until it is completely burned. After that, it is considered that the amulet is ready for use. Always wear it yourself to feel support.

How to charge the talisman for luck?

The talisman can be made to work without a conspiracy, for this you need to charge it with your energy. To do this, take the object that you are going to turn into a talisman and close it between the palms. This will allow you to transfer energy, this will be indicated by pulsation. It can appear immediately or after a while. When the energy connection is established, imagine in your mind how the energy from you passes into the talisman and fills it. After that, the object is wrapped in a dense fabric and wrapped in a thread 9 times. With each turn, one should speak aloud about the appointment of a talisman, for example, for good luck in love, work, etc. To increase the power of the amulet, you can give it a name. At the end sprinkle it with salt and tell the talisman's conspiracy for luck: "Stay close while your work is not finished . "