Cakes with sour cream

Cakes on sour cream always turn out to be light and lush even for beginners. Such cakes are perfect for breakfast, because they cook quite quickly. And what they will be - sweet or salty - choose you.

Tasty cakes on sour cream in the oven



Dough for these flat cakes will be cooked on the pan. We'll start with it. To do this, we fill the yeast with warm (body temperature) water and let stand for 5 minutes, and then stir the contents of the glass until the yeast dissolves completely. Add the flour so that it resembles a very thick sour cream, cover with a towel and leave in a warm place without drafts. First the odor will rise, and then it will begin to settle. Now you can knead the dough.

In the sifted flour, add salt, sugar, softened butter and sour cream. Rinse everything into a crumb, add the spoon and mix a fairly dough dough. We transfer it to a bowl, cover with a towel and leave it for 20 minutes. Then finally knead the dough.

Do this for a long time and thoroughly, for about 10 minutes, until it becomes completely smooth. Again, shift the dough into a bowl, cover and wait until it increases by 2 or even 3 times in volume. Divide it into 8 parts and roll it into 1 cm thick flat cakes. Cover and give half an hour to distance. Then put it on the baking sheet covered with parchment. We make a toothpick puncture (as in a biscuit biscuit) and grease the flat cakes with yolk. Bake in an oven at 180 degrees to a beautiful golden color.

Cakes on sour cream in a frying pan



Sifted with salt and flour mixed with finely grated cheese, chopped greens and black pepper. Sour cream thoroughly mix with soda, and only then we introduce into flour. From the finished dough we roll out a cake the size of a frying pan, in which we will fry it. Frying pan strongly reheat, and then - at will. You can drop a little oil, or spread the dough on a dry one. Do not stick, especially if the coating is non-stick. On one side, grill the cake under a closed lid and over medium heat. Then turn it over, take the gas a little more and brown it 5 minutes from the other barrel. The cake turns out to be soft, with a very delicate cheese-creamy taste.

Rye cakes on sour cream without yeast



Eggs (5 pcs.) Are combined with sour cream and melted butter. Add the soda, salt and sugar. Introduce the flour and knead the dough. We divide it into balls, roll them into pancakes half a centimeter thick. Knife cuts in the form of a lattice and grease with a beaten egg. We put the lozenges on a greased baking sheet and sprinkled with flour. And we send it to a preheated oven to 220 degrees. Literally in half an hour rye cakes of sour cream will be ready!

Fresh cakes on sour cream



Lightly beat the egg. Add to it sour cream, melted margarine and sugar. Separately mix sifted flour, soda and salt. We introduce them into the dough. After kneading, we cover it with a towel and let it "rest" for about 20 minutes. Then, on a flour-poured table, divide the dough into "koloboks" and roll them into cakes. You can fry them both on a dry frying pan and with the addition of oil. And that they came out more sparingly, we prepare the tortillas under the closed lid.

In the same simple way, you can prepare tortillas on kefir or potato cakes . The choice is yours!