How to accelerate the maturation of peppers in the greenhouse?

Dreaming of growing an enviable crop of Bulgarian pepper , it is necessary, even at the stage of planting it in the ground, to take care that the growing conditions allow the fruits to ripen as early as possible. In the central strip and in the north light day and weather conditions do not always allow the vegetables to fully ripen, and therefore the gardener should know how to accelerate the maturation of peppers in the greenhouse in order to ensure a result for their labors.


As practice shows, to accelerate the ripening and redness of peppers, you can provide enough light for the bushes, that is, plants must be planted at a sufficient distance from each other so that they do not obscure as the sun grows. Taller plants are best placed in the center of the greenhouse, but low-growing varieties at the edges. In addition, uninhibited plantings are better ventilated, which means that the risk of fungal diseases will be minimal.


When the plant is still small, it is necessary to pinch the so-called crown bud, and then the formation of the bush will be more fruitful. When the pepper starts to bloom actively, it is necessary to remove the vapors that pull on themselves.

As soon as the small peppers - the future harvest - are tied, it is necessary to make every effort to fully ripen it. To do this, all the shoots that grow below those on which the fruits are located, must be removed.

As the pepper ripens, the bushes need to be regularly examined in order to detect and remove unnecessary growth. If this is not done, then the bush will be beautiful, fluffy and green, but he will not have the strength to ripen the fruit.


The maturation of pepper in the greenhouse is greatly influenced by timely watering. If the land constantly dries up, the root system loses its ability to absorb moisture well, which means that the ripening process will be prolonged.

In fact, how to accelerate the maturation of sweet pepper in a greenhouse is not so much and they are available to everyone. The main thing is not to be lazy during the summer season and then the shelves of the storehouses will be replenished by the jars with fragrant preservation of their own preparation by the autumn.