Knifofiya - landing and care in the open ground

Turn the site into an African savannah, fill it with bright colors and sunlight is not difficult, if you settle on it fiery book. Despite its exotic origin and the increased need for warmth, many of the species of this plant are quite capable of surviving in rather harsh Russian conditions. More about landing and caring for the book in the open ground, we'll talk today.

Cultivation of the book from the seeds

Those who have risked cultivation of the book should remember that only the seeds purchased are suitable for breeding. The domestic climate is still very different from the natural habitats of this plant, so the seeds formed on the bush do not have time to ripen before the onset of cold weather. Bought the same in specialty shops the inoculum has all chances for germination. In early spring, the seeds are sown in seedlings or pots filled with nutrient soil, and covered with a hothouse of glass or film. In 20-25 days from the ground there are the first sprouts of the book, which then dive on individual pots in the phase of three real leaves. In early summer, transplants are transplanted into the open ground.

Planting and caring for books

Elevated areas protected from the wind are suitable for planting the book. To ensure a better warm-up, it is recommended to plant knifofii between dark-colored stones that act as heat accumulators. Care for the African guest is not complicated and includes watering as the soil dries out and then mulching it .

Wintering of cantophophy

In regions with mild winters, book cover is able to hibernate in the open ground under cover of any organic mulch and lapnika. Autumn pruning is not carried out, so as not to damage the subsequent flowering. Leaves of pseudophyte bind in a bundle and sprinkled with mulch, and in the spring they remove the dead part of the bush.