Grapes Julian

There is a great variety of varieties of grapes, so to speak, for every taste. Sometimes it is difficult enough to decide what kind of variety to choose for growing on your dacha site, because it must meet a number of your criteria, starting from the taste qualities and ending with the resistance to various diseases. So, let's get acquainted with the description of the grape variety of Julian, which is a very tasty and fertile grapes.

Grapes Julian - description

The grape variety of Julian belongs to the table grapes. Quite often this sort of grapes can be seen in stores, as it has a fairly high transportability and long retains its presentation.

  1. General characteristics. This grape variety has a strong growth force. His flowers are bisexual. The rooting of the cuttings is very, very good, and a sufficiently strong root system is formed in the saplings. The yield of seedlings reaches 90-95%.
  2. Appearance . The bunches of Julian grapes are very large, they have medium looseness and a rather long peduncle. The shape of the bunch most closely resembles its parent Rizamat variety. The berries themselves have a pleasant, gently pink color, have a papiform form and are not too small in size - 42x28 millimeters (average).
  3. Taste qualities. Sugar accumulation in this grape variety is good. Yulian grape has a dense crispy flesh, with a very pleasant harmonious taste, and also it has a thin skin that almost does not feel when it is eaten, which is undoubtedly a huge plus of this grapes.
  4. Terms of maturation. Grapes Julian is a variety of the early ripening period. From the beginning of flowering to ripening beautiful appetizing berries are only 95-105 days.
  5. Pruning. This obligatory procedure for each sort of grapes is carried out in different ways, so when pruning it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of a particular variety, so as not to ruin it inadvertently. Cutting grapes Julian should be done for eight or ten eyes, while leaving, in general, on the bush forty-forty-five eyes.
  6. Resistance to diseases and frost resistance. This sort of grapes is almost not damaged by impudent wasps. He also has resistance to diseases such as gray rot , oidium, mildew. Also, the grapes Julian calmly tolerates frosts to minus twenty-four degrees.