How to grow a bow?

This inhabitant of our kitchen gardens is not just an ingredient in almost all the first and second dishes. There are even onion soups, pies and fried rings. Not everyone dares to grow whimsical and very rare vegetables, but onions can be found in any garden. However, growing a bow in the country is not as easy as it might seem at first glance. If your goal is large bulbs and a good harvest, you will have to work.

How to grow a large onion?

In the question of how to grow onions, the first thing to do is to competently treat the moment when choosing a variety. Far from every planting material is able to give a good turnip, even with a very careful care.

As a rule, preference is given to early ripening and early ripening varieties. These include Olin, Odintsovets and Zolotnichok, as well as hybrids from the F1 series of the Mars type. Among the middle-ripened, you can try the varieties Carmen or Shetana. All of them perfectly grow even in regions with a cold climate and have time to mature by the time of harvest.

Below is a kind of algorithm for growing a large onion:

How to grow a good onion crop?

It does not matter if you are going to grow a winter or spring onion, how to prepare the soil and water - all this will give a result only if you have a competent choice of planting material. Do not rush to buy the largest Segments on the market, because the optimal size of the order of a centimeter. It is equally important and properly stored, because it makes sense to purchase the sowing in the fall.

In the question of how to grow onions, haste is unacceptable. Too early onion, even if there are no frosts, will give green arrows very quickly, and you will not get a large bulb. Advice from experienced truck farmers: onion fly (the worst enemy of planting) begins the first years at the time of flowering cherries, so wait a week after and already then safely begin to plant. And one more thing: Luchok loves to bask in the sun, so it should be planted approximately level with the soil, then he will grow in breadth instead of the tops.