Euphorbia garden

Garden molochai are favorite plants of gardeners and landscape designers. They grow around the globe and number more than 2 thousand species. All of them perfectly cope with the decorative function, at the same time unpretentious and easy to care for.

Types of milkweed garden

First of all, garden sprouts are annual and perennial. To the annual garden flowers, milkweed is bordered (bride) and miscellaneous. To the perennial - multicolored, capitate, cypress, stone-loving, Altai, capitate, phisher and fire.

All kinds of milkweed are poisonous plants. Nevertheless, they are very popular due to their diversity and beauty.

Euphorbia: planting and care

If you plan to grow the plant outdoors, it is better to choose a penumbra for it, although it grows well in open sunny places. In the sun, the bushes will give more flowering, while in the shady corners of the garden they will be mainly developed leaves.

Plant the spurge better in the lungs and fertile soil - heavy soils do not allow the plant to develop well, and in winter in such soil the roots can rot.

Propagate spurge with seeds or vegetatively. The second is the most acceptable, it gives great decorative and speed of development. Plant shrubs at a distance of 30-70 cm from each other.

With regard to care, spurge is quite unpretentious. Garden plant varieties should be periodically fed and watered in arid days. In autumn, the bushes are cut off, putting on gloves - the plant is very poisonous.

Contain garden spurge in the home, that is, replant for the winter in pots and put into heat, there is no need. The plant perfectly tolerates frosts and again develops with the onset of the first warm days in the spring.

How to decorate the garden with a milk?

Bushes of milkweed decorate any corner of the garden. They look good as in a group with other stunted bushes, and by themselves. Some types of shrubs have an exotic appearance, so that they can be combined with zinnia, kosmei and rudbeckey .

If you want to design a coastal zone, you should choose swampy spurge - It is hygrophilous and perfectly suited for marshy soil.

Many types of milkweed are used to decorate the instrument zone or for the mixboarder. And in rockery are appropriate types of garden milkweed like rock and rock.

Diseases and pests

Euphorbia is afraid of root rot, often it affects the ring spot and fusariosis. Diseases caused by fungi are treated with fungicides, whereas viral diseases, unfortunately, are not amenable to treatment.

The main pests of the milkweed are the worms and nematodes, which are entered into the garden with poor-quality planting material. They are combated with nematicides and insecticides.