Radish pests and their control

Although the radish is not so much pests, and the maturation period for it is so short that they do not have time to do much harm, yet sometimes the crop is spoiled. To prevent this again, you need to know how to protect and how to spray radish from pests. About this and talk.

How to deal with pest pests?

The main pest of radish is cruciferous flea. This tiny bug of dark color deftly skips and, in spite of its miniature size, can lead to a significant negative result for the radish. Blocks eat leaves of the plant, leaving holes in them. And when they reach a certain size, the radish stops growing.

Naturally, the root does not mature, and sometimes even dies. Pay attention to this pest at the stage of emergence, as young plants can not resist the invasion of the pest for a long time. Especially active are cruciferous fleas in dry and hot weather.

So, what to process the radish from these small pests:

  1. You can spray the leaves of radish with a solution of wood ash (2 cups of fresh ash on a bucket of water with 50 grams of laundry soap).
  2. Ash can not be planted in water, but simply scatter it on the garden so that it falls on the leaves. Similarly you can do with tobacco dust.
  3. For greater efficiency, it is possible to treat young shoots with insecticide "Inta-Vir". Spraying of neighboring crop plants will not interfere. However, this should be done only as a last resort, since there is a risk of destruction of crops.

Tip: after processing the radish, water it should be very carefully, best - in a drip fashion, so as not to wash off the applied remedies from the leaves.

Another enemy of the radish is a whiting, or rather, its larvae. Fight it best without chemicals. For example, treat the beds with a solution of mustard powder, table salt and ground pepper.

To make a solution, you need to take 2 tablespoons of mustard powder and salt and 1 teaspoon of red or black ground pepper. Dilute this mixture in 10 liters of water and pour a garden bed with radish.

In addition to the control of the radish pests, it is necessary to carry out preventive works - remove the weed grass in time, observe the correct crop rotation, do not be late with sowing seeds, use lightweight covering materials in the early stages, and water the plants in a timely manner to accelerate their growth.