How does coffee grow?

In the tropics, near the equator - on one parallel higher and lower from it grow amazing coffee trees. Of their fruits, for many centuries, coffee grains have grown, which grow quite slowly, but the longer the maturation process takes place, the better the product will be.

Countries where coffee grows

States that produce coffee grains are about seventy, but not all of them grow goods of excellent quality. The best coffee is obtained in the tropics, at an altitude of 600 to 1200 meters above sea level.

Cuba, Guatemala, Brazil, Ecuador , Java, Indonesia and the Philippines - these are the main suppliers of coffee beans. Deliver raw materials to us in both raw and fried form. Not everyone knows how coffee grows. It turns out that the coffee tree is a very delicate creature, which needs to be given a lot of attention. Remember Brazilian TV series about slaves on coffee plantations - their work was considered very heavy. The situation has not changed now, since all work is practically manual.

To grow fragrant grains requires high humidity, high temperature, a large number of sunny days per year. But the cooling for coffee trees is very dangerous. The temperature of +8 Celsius is already capable of destroying the plant completely.

A year from a single tree you can collect only three kilograms of grains, which is why plantations of coffee trees stretch for tens of kilometers, because to collect a good harvest, you need a lot of plants.

Is coffee growing in Russia?

Let's find out how coffee grows at home, and whether it's up to everyone to grow it on its windowsill.

To grow a coffee tree, it is better to use a seedling, rather than trying to get a plant from grains. Their germination is very low, and planting material is often an unknown year of collection.

The ground for coffee should be slightly acid, friable and moderately moist for the harmonious development of the plant. It is desirable to keep a vase with a coffee tree on the south-western window sill at a temperature of up to 27 ° C in summer and at least 15 ° C in winter. The plant needs regular spraying and watering with warm water.

After 5-8 years, the patient host can see the first flowering of the bush with a further ovary of fruits, and after maturing get a fragrant drink from your own window sill. But all this will happen if the bush is properly kept without stressful situations, changing places, drafts and overflows.