Extrasystoles - how to get rid?

Extraordinary contractions of the heart, or one of its parts, are called extrasystoles. These abbreviations do not cause uncomfortable sensations and are most often safe, but it happens that they act as a symptom of one of the serious heart disorders. We'll figure out how to get rid of extrasystoles, and whether you need to do this.

Causes and treatment options for extrasystoles

How to treat extrasystoles, depends on the nature of these abbreviations and what they are caused. Here are the main reasons for the shortening of a functional nature:

In order to completely get rid of extraordinary cardiac contractions, in this case it is enough to eliminate the provoking factor - to calm down, taking a sedative, to abandon bad habits.

In the case when it comes to organic extrasystoles, their occurrence is associated with diseases:

If the cause of the emergence of extraordinary systole in one of these diseases, then they can be eliminated by curing this disease. With proper therapy, you will feel much better. Additionally, special drugs prescribed to reduce arrhythmia can be prescribed. It can be tranquilizers and antiarrhythmics.

Ventricular extrasystoles mean special treatment. Most often, their occurrence is associated with the use of cardiac glycomides. Ventricular arrhythmia can be eliminated by replacing these drugs with drugs of a similar effect with another formulation.

Extrasystoles with IUD are accompanied by such symptoms as:

Having dealt with these problems, you will significantly reduce the number of extracurricular contractions of the heart muscle. People's means can help in this.

Treatment of extrasystoles with folk remedies

There are quite a lot of ways of folk treatment of extrasystoles. First of all, we are talking about plants with a pronounced soothing effect:

Using a delicious herbal tea, you will not even notice that the extrasystoles have passed! The effect of this remedy is very mild and gradual. Tea recipe:

  1. Mix 1 tbsp in one container. spoon leaves peppermint, 1 tbsp. spoon melissa, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of camomile flowers and 1 tbsp. spoon of oregano. All components must be ground to a uniform state.
  2. Take 1 tsp mixture, pour a glass of boiling water, cover.

Drink tea in 3-4 meals throughout the day.

Do I need to treat extrasystoles?

Extrasystoles are divided into several degrees of gradation:

  1. At 1-2 degrees of cardiac arrhythmia, treatment is not required at all.
  2. At 3 degrees, the use of folk remedies is possible.
  3. If you have 4 grades, you can not do without medication.
  4. 5 degree, most likely, will require the surgical installation of a special pacemaker.

Fortunately, the last need arises extremely rarely, as in 90% of patients the doctors fix the 1st degree arrhythmia. In this case, the extrasystoles pass completely unnoticed for the patient, the discomforting sensations are minimal. At 3 stages you can occasionally notice severe strokes of the heart, but there will be no other symptoms either.

That is why the question, whether to treat, or no extrasystoles, in most cases, the cardiologist will respond to you that you should not exaggerate the problem and there are no grounds for therapy. You will be asked to stay longer and try to avoid stress.