Internal barley - possible causes and effective treatment

Internal barley is one of the most common ophthalmic diseases. The scientific name of such a disease is hordeolum internum or gordoleum. Acute inflammatory process proceeds from the inner side of the eyelid. Such a disease is caused by staphylococcus aureus. In time, the identified problem helps to deal with it more quickly.

Barley on the eye - the reasons for the appearance

Various factors can provoke the onset of this illness. Barley on the eye of the cause can have the following:

Internal barley - symptoms

The clinical picture with such an acute inflammation is pronounced. She has the same symptoms as with external barley. The first signs may even go unnoticed. These include itching and tingling. If they do not disappear, but on the contrary, intensify in their manifestation - this is an alarming signal. How the inner barley looks on the eye, the photos help to see. For this ailment is characterized by such symptoms:

Inner barley in the upper eyelid

With such acute inflammation on the meibomian gland an abscess is formed. Inside it is a secret. A couple of days after the barley appeared on the inside of the eyelid, a "head" formed on the hardened area. Outwardly, such barley is very similar to acne. It takes 2-3 days and the abscess breaks: the secret that is accumulated inside the inflamed cones is coming out.

Inner barley in the lower eyelid

Such a lesion is much more severe than external inflammation. Significantly increases the risk of complications, therefore, it is not necessary to treat internal barley independently. At the first alarm, you should seek qualified medical help. If the inner barley on the eye is improperly treated, the risk of relapse is high. An experienced ophthalmologist will select the effective drug and will draw a diagram of their application. A lot of attention in the fight against such acute inflammation is given to strengthening the body's immune forces.

How to treat inner barley on the eye

Such acute inflammation can serve as a sign of a more serious body problem. To delay with the reference to the ophthalmologist it is unreasonable. An experienced doctor knows how to treat internal barley. However, before proceeding with this procedure, he will prescribe to the patient a survey that will include such manipulations:

In addition, for a complete picture, certain tests can be prescribed that help to diagnose some diseases. One of these ailments is diabetes mellitus. This ailment often causes internal or external barley. Streptococci are very fond of a sweet environment, so with a high glucose level in the blood, these microorganisms feel comfortable. They multiply intensively and grow, causing acute inflammation of the eyelids. To detect diabetes mellitus, a blood test can be used to determine the level of glucose.

The patient's immune system can be affected by HIV infection. To diagnose such ailments, the following studies are prescribed:

The pathology of the gastrointestinal tract also contributes to the weakening of immunity: the food is worse absorbed, as a result, the body loses useful substances. To diagnose these diseases, the following studies are used:

If an ailment provoking the appearance of barley is detected, it must be treated. This minimizes the negative impact of the disease on the body's defense system and stops relapses. After this, the inner barley on the eye treatment provides. It involves the use of effective pharmacy drugs, which are prescribed by a doctor. Alternatively, traditional medicine can be used.

Eye drops from barley

In the fight against this disease, medicinal solutions proved to be very useful. They minimize pain, prevent the spread of infection and relieve inflammation. Such drops can be prescribed from barley:

To treat gordoleuma with these medicinal solutions was the most effective, you need to follow these instructions:

  1. You can not bury cold drops.
  2. Hands before the procedure should be thoroughly washed and wiped dry.
  3. Bury the solution in both eyes - sick and healthy, otherwise the infection will jump.
  4. The procedure can be carried out in any convenient position. The main condition - the head must be thrown back.
  5. After burying, you need to close your eyes and have a few pupils.
  6. The frequency of procedures is prescribed by a doctor. The duration of treatment depends on the severity of the ailment.

Eye ointment from barley

Medicamental treatment should be administered exclusively by a doctor. Self-treatment is dangerous! Internal barley on the lower eyelid treatment involves using such ointments:

If there was a gordoleum, treatment should be carried out taking into account such rules:

  1. For the period of healing it is necessary to abandon the use of contact lenses.
  2. In the treatment of cosmetic products on eyelashes and eyelids should not be. The skin around the eyes should be cleaned.
  3. Before using the ointment, you need to make sure that the remedy is not overdue.
  4. Keep the drug in a cool place.
  5. Before applying the ointment or gel, hands should be thoroughly washed with antibacterial soap and wipe them dry.
  6. For greater efficiency, the use of this drug should be combined with instillation, but the interval between such procedures should be at least 30 minutes.

Antibiotics for barley on the eye

Such drugs can be produced in the form of eye drops or ointments. The use of antibiotics helps to achieve a quick result in the treatment of barley. In some cases, the doctor may decide to prescribe drugs of this group in the form of injections. The doctor knows how to cure internal barley on the eye, therefore prescribes antibiotic therapy if the patient has the following symptoms:

Folk remedies for barley on the eye

These methods do not replace medical therapy, but only supplement it. Folk remedies for barley can be used in a variety of ways:

Removal of barley surgically

With the launched stage of gordoleum, the only way out is an operation. Surgical intervention is performed on an outpatient basis. The operation to remove barley on the eye consists of the following stages:

  1. Treatment of the zone of localization of gordoleum antiseptic.
  2. Conducting infiltration anesthesia.
  3. To prevent bleeding, the surgeon uses a special clamp - it is attached to the upper or lower eyelid (depending on where the barley is located).
  4. The tissue is cut.
  5. The capsule with the contents inside it is removed by hatching.
  6. Treatment of the wound with an antiseptic.
  7. Stitching.
  8. Treatment of the site where the operation was performed, antiseptic.
  9. A sterile dressing is applied.

Internal barley - consequences

If the body's immune system works well, there is no problem in dealing with the disease. Internal barley (provided that all the prescriptions of the doctor are observed) quickly passes. With weak immunity, the likelihood of complications increases. For this reason, the internal barley treatment provides for a complex: not only a fight with the inflammation focus, but also an increase in the body's defenses. This takes a little longer, but it helps minimize the negative consequences.

Internal barley complications can have these: