Symptoms of liver disease - signs on the face and body that should alert

Hepatologic diseases are considered to be one of the most dangerous disorders in the body. The progression of certain liver diseases exposes her cells to dystrophic changes that can lead to the death of a person. To avoid complications, it is important to identify these pathologies in a timely manner and immediately start their complex treatment.

Liver diseases - names

There are 10 groups of hepatological lesions, each of them combines similar on the symptoms and the origin of the disease. The ailments of the gallbladder and its ducts are treated separately. What are liver diseases:

  1. Primary purulent, inflammatory and functional damage of parenchyma cells. In this group, viral and toxic hepatitis , steatohepatosis, tuberculosis and syphilitic infection, hepatomegaly , fatty hepatosis and abscess.
  2. Injuries - tears, stab wounds, crushing and gunshot liver lesions.
  3. Vascular pathologies. These include arteriovenous fistulas and fistulae, pylephlebitis, Badda-Chiari syndrome, portal hypertension .
  4. Changes intrahepatic ducts - cholestasis, Caroli's disease, cholelithiasis, acute and chronic cholangitis.
  5. Tumors. In the liver, cysts and hemangiomas, sarcomas, intra-cellular and cellular cancers, metastases from other organs can develop.
  6. Parasitic invasions - ascaridosis, alveolar and echinococcosis, leptospirosis, opisthorchiasis.
  7. Hereditary problems. Anomalies include hemochromatosis, aplasia and hypoplasia, enzymopathies, pigmentary hepatosis and atresia.
  8. Damage to pathologies of neighboring organs. Often the symptoms of liver disease develop against the background of diseases of other systems - cardiac cirrhosis (cardiac lesions), amyloidosis (bone marrow diseases), hepatomegaly (leukemia). Additionally, renal-hepatic insufficiency is included in this group.
  9. System changes. The causal destruction of the organ occurs with primary biliary cirrhosis, sclerosing cholangitis, autoimmune hepatitis.
  10. Complications, structural and functional changes - parenchymal jaundice, cirrhosis, coma, insufficiency.

Liver diseases - causes

The fabric of which the described organ consists, possesses surprising abilities to regeneration and stability to damaging factors of an environment. For this reason, liver disease always provokes serious causes:

Liver disease - symptoms

The clinical picture of this group of pathologies affects the entire body. Signs of liver disease are visible even visually, they include dermatological manifestations. The reason for this extensive symptomatology is in hepatological functions. The liver is responsible for the hematopoiesis and detoxification of the body, is involved in the synthesis of vital enzymes, immunoglobulins, hormones and antibodies. Its damage leads to the failure of all physiological systems.

Can the liver hurt?

In this body, there are practically no nerve endings. They are next only to one edge and in the shell, so the pain in the liver region indicates already very serious pathologies. The tissue of the organ, enlarged in size, begins to squeeze its capsule, provoking unpleasant sensations. In other cases, pain in the right hypochondrium signals problems in neighboring structures, mainly the gall bladder or its ducts.

The first signs of liver disease

An early clinical picture with the majority of hepatological diseases is absent, and the organ is destroyed imperceptibly. What are the symptoms of liver disease first, depends on the nature and extent of its damage. The most common options are:

There are also indirect signs of liver disease, symptoms include manifestations of hypovitaminosis:

Sensations of liver disease

Hepatologic ailments always adversely affect the well-being. The main symptoms of liver disease are discomfort in the projection of the organ. There is a feeling of heaviness, pressure, raspiranie and aching pain. Sometimes a person feels fluttering under the right rib, as if the tail beats the fish. Diseases of the liver - symptoms and signs of a disease of a subjective nature:

Temperature in liver diseases

Inflammatory pathologies are accompanied by fever. Indicators of the thermometer for hepatitis and other similar diseases reach 39-40 degrees. In other cases, fever is not observed. More often there is a subfebrile temperature in liver diseases, about 37.2-37.5 degrees. In some people, it remains normal (approximately 36.6) before the complications arise and the parenchyma of the organ is destroyed.

External signs of liver disease in humans

The deterioration in the performance of detoxification functions leads to the accumulation of harmful substances in the blood. The first external signs and symptoms of a sick liver include changes in skin condition:

Diseases of the liver - manifestations on the skin

Against the background of a violation of the filtration and blood-forming abilities of the organ, a decrease in the synthesis of immunoglobulins, there are dermatological symptoms of liver disease:

  1. Ulcers. Skin is prone to the formation of follicles and boils, the slightest damage is inflamed.
  2. Allergic rash in liver disease. Accumulation of toxins contributes to the appearance of itching spots and papules.
  3. Hemorrhagic (petechial) rashes. Because of the violation of the processes of blood clotting, multiple subcutaneous hemorrhages, small hematomas are observed.

Diseases of the liver - signs on the face

People who are susceptible to this group of pathologies often suffer from acne, regardless of age. Symptoms of any liver disease can include severe leaking acne. Pimples are mainly deep and subcutaneous. When palpation, there is a piercing pain and throbbing. Here, what symptoms in liver disease are still observed on the face:

Diseases of the liver - methods of diagnosis

Many hepatological ailments can be easily determined by the appearance of a person, so the specialist first examines the patient, registers symptoms, collects a detailed anamnesis. After the survey, additional examinations are scheduled. Diseases of the liver - diagnosis: