Why does a person yawn?

Such a simple reflex, like yawning, has not yet been fully explained by scientists. Nevertheless, there are many assumptions about why a person yawns. Moreover, this process is often the first signal about the presence or development of various internal diseases, exacerbations and relapses of chronic pathologies.

Why do you want to yawn?

The main guesses are as follows.

Soothing effect

It is noticed that often people yawn on the eve of any exciting events: competitions, examinations, performances. In this way, the body adjusts itself to a favorable outcome.

Recovery of carbon dioxide balance

There is an opinion that the yawning in the blood replenishes the supply of oxygen, but experiments have shown that even with its deficiency, the frequency of the reflex in question does not increase.

Regulation of pressure in the middle ear

During the yawning Eustachian tubes and canals of the maxillary sinuses are straightened, which relieves short-term stuffiness of the ears.

Awakening of the body

Yawning from the very morning gives vivacity, contributes to saturation of blood with oxygen, helps to wake up, improves blood circulation. These same factors provoke a yawn in fatigue and fatigue.

Saving activity

It has been observed more than once that the described reflex arises when a person is bored. Long muscular passivity and mental overload lead to people being sleepy. Yawning helps to get rid of this sensation, because the muscles of the neck, face, and mouth are straining during the process.

Regulation of the temperature of the brain

There is an assumption that when the body overheats, it is necessary to cool the brain tissue by enriching the blood with air. The process of yawning contributes to this mechanism.


The reflex is also universal, because in the morning it helps to cheer up, and before going to bed - to relax. Yawning prepares a person for a calm sleep, relieves tension.

Why does a man yawn very often?

If this phenomenon occurs infrequently, perhaps you are just overtired, exposed to stress and anxiety, do not get enough sleep. But periodic repetition should cause anxiety and become an occasion for a visit to the doctor.

That's why I always want to yawn:

As can be seen, the causes of frequent yawning are quite serious and this reflex may indicate a number of serious diseases. Therefore, if you paid attention to the recurrence of this phenomenon, do not delay your visit to the therapist and be sure to undergo a survey.

Why does a man yawn when another yawned?

Probably everyone noticed how contagious yawning is. As a rule, if someone yawned nearby, others sooner or later too succumb to this reflex.

In the course of interesting medical experiments and psychological research, scientists still figured out why people yawn one after another. For this, the subjects were connected to a special apparatus that reflects the activity of various brain zones in the color spectrum. It turns out that during the described process, the area of ​​the brain that is responsible for empathy and sympathy is activated. Thus, we can conclude that a man who gives in to yawn, when someone next to him yawns, is a thin and vulnerable, sensitive person. This statement confirms the fact that people with an autistic syndrome are not affected by this condition.