Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

As early as the 30s of the 20th century, American scientists suspected a long-term depression and muscle weakness associated with a viral illness. But then science did not pay attention to such a coincidence. At the end of the last century after the epidemic in the US, the disease received official confirmation and the name - chronic fatigue syndrome.

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome - Causes

In the course of several decades, scientists came to the conclusion that before suffering from chronic fatigue syndrome, patients suffered a viral infection, possibly even an ordinary cold. But in the blood of such people, various types of herpes viruses were found. Against the backdrop of a constantly active immune response, when the body is forced to fight infection all the time, and there is a syndrome of chronic fatigue.

Symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome

To date, more than 10 cases of chronic fatigue are registered per 100,000 working-age populations. The main signs of the disease:

Chronic fatigue - treatment

Before taking up the treatment of chronic fatigue syndrome, you need to analyze your own condition. If the symptoms of fatigue and general weakness last more than six months, but are interrupted by periods of activity, perhaps it is really just fatigue or the effects of hypovitaminosis. But the continuous state of weakness, which lasts more than 6 months, indicates the need for a complete examination.

First of all, the doctor will demand blood donation for the detection of cytomegalovirus, Epstein-Barr virus, as well as Coxsack-virus, which provokes poliomyelitis, hepatitis A, myocarditis, myositis. Detection in the blood of such viruses or antibodies to them serves as confirmation of the disease with chronic fatigue.

How to treat chronic fatigue syndrome? And is it possible to overcome the disease in general? It turns out that scientists have developed a drug based on hydrocarbon. Its molecular lattice is very similar to the lattice of a diamond. Treatment of the syndrome of chronic fatigue with the newest drug is aimed at increasing the body's defenses, normalizing the work of the nervous system, and improving hormone metabolism.

How to get rid of chronic fatigue?

But in addition to taking the main drug, it is necessary to conduct additional therapy. The goal of ancillary treatment is to strengthen the effect of medications. For example, vitamins for chronic fatigue are necessary to improve brain function. It is this central organ of the central nervous system that primarily affects the development of the disease. Admission of B vitamins will help to achieve a positive effect in treatment. And vitamin C is needed to increase the body's resistance to new infections, which will not be at all helpful in the treatment of chronic fatigue syndrome. The complex approach to the treatment of CFS includes:

There are also folk remedies for chronic fatigue. Healers recommend that patients, first of all, adjust themselves to a positive mood, attend sessions of yoga, try to meditate in their spare time. Exclude from the diet all stimulants of activity: coffee, tea, alcohol. Take for the night broths of mint or balm.

Observing all the recommendations of doctors, as well as visiting the psychotherapist's office, you can successfully get rid of CFS once and for all.