Dehydration of the body - symptoms

Dehydration (dehydration) is a pathological condition associated with a decrease in the amount of water in it below the physiological norm.

The role of water in the human body

About 50 -70% of the mass of the human body is water. It is found both in the cells of the body and outside the cells (for example, water of the blood plasma).

Water performs a number of important functions, without which the normal functioning of the body is impossible. Here are just a few of them:

Water enters the body with food and drink. It is excreted through the skin, lungs and gastrointestinal tract - with urine, then, with breathing, with a stool.

Causes of dehydration

Most often, dehydration develops due to the following factors:

The risk of dehydration increases with chronic diseases, for example, diabetes, kidney disease, malfunctioning of the adrenal glands.

What is dangerous for the dehydration of the body?

The most dangerous for elderly people and children, however, in middle-aged people, dehydration can lead to the development of irreversible pathological processes in the body.

Lack of water, first of all, affects the volume of blood. The smaller it is, the greater the density of blood, which leads to a slowing of the speed of its current. Accordingly, the delivery of nutrients to cells and the removal of gases and other products of vital activity from the body is also hampered.

Dehydration of the body, causing a decrease in body weight by 10 - 20% is life-threatening. Loss of water in an initially healthy person leads to death after 7-10 days, and in conditions of high temperature and dry air - after 3 - 5 days.

Signs and symptoms of dehydration of the human body

The first signs of mild dehydration are:

In the subsequent progression of the pathological process, a person feels dryness and flabbiness of the skin, dizziness, headache. Constipation develops, the urine acquires a dark yellow color or does not stand out at all.

Symptoms that indicate the formation of chronic dehydration of the body:

Severe dehydration, threatening human life and requiring urgent medical care is expressed by such manifestations:

It should be borne in mind that the above symptoms are manifested when dehydrated not only, but in a complex manner. Therefore, in the presence of only one - two of these signs can not be argued that this is dehydration. If you suspect a dehydration, you should immediately seek medical help.