Periods of childbirth

Periods of delivery and their duration depend on many factors, including: the state of the pregnant woman, age, size of the fetus, the nature of the presentation, etc. Generic activity is divided into several stages, which pass consistently one after another. When a woman in labor enters the maternity home, obstetricians determine her condition during the examination, in order to draw up a plan for the management of labor for the periods.

Periods of childbirth

The preparatory stage before labor is termed a plinear period. It lasts throughout the day. What happens at this time? Cervix gradually starts to open, softens and stretches. In the normal course of labor, the pleural period is transformed into generic activity. However, in some cases, it can be delayed, this process is considered pathological. Generic activity is divided into three periods of childbirth:

  1. Disclosure period.
  2. Period of exile.
  3. The consecutive period.

The first period of childbirth

It is this stage that is considered the beginning of labor. The baby's head is placed at the entrance to the small pelvis, the amniotic fluid at this stage moves to the lower pole of the fetal bladder. The cervix of the uterus is smoothed and the outer yawning begins to open, until the size necessary for fetal passage. The opening of the cervix is ​​accompanied by regular and painful contractions. For every hour, it opens about 1.5 cm. The first period of labor in primiparous women lasts about 8-12 hours, in re-born people - 6-7 hours. By the end of the first period, this process is accelerated until the cervix is ​​10 cm open.

When the neck is opened for 4-5 cm, as a rule, the outflow of amniotic fluid occurs. If the process of outpouring the amniotic fluid is delayed, the midwife independently opens the fetal bladder, this helps to accelerate the birth process. Sometimes the waters leave early, at the very beginning of the first stage or even before it. Anhydrous period during childbirth by duration should not exceed 6 hours. In some cases, this period lasts more than a day, which is very dangerous, and a woman should be constantly under the supervision of a doctor.

The second period of childbirth

The second period for most women is less painful, compared with the first. However, it is the period of expulsion of the fetus that is considered to be the most difficult and laborious process for all generic activities. At this stage, the baby's head falls into the mother's small pelvis and presses on the nerve endings in the sacrum area. At this moment, there is a strong desire to tense up. Attempts, as a rule, appear at the opening of the cervix by 8 cm. If you push with this opening of the cervix, the risk of injuries is high. Therefore, the obstetrician still forbids obeying the pressure of attempts and recommends breathing, until the cervix is ​​fully opened.

During attempts, the feeling of pain is replaced by a feeling of strong pressure. With each new attempt, the baby's head makes a turn and begins to erupt through the genital tract of the woman in childbirth. At the time of the eruption of the head, the mother feels a sharp pain in the perineum. First, the nape is born, then the face, and then the head of the child. The kid turns his face to his mother's thigh, after which the hangers are shown one by one, and then slips out the whole body of the newborn.

The period of labor lasts about 20-40 minutes. He is the most responsible and demands from the woman in labor the utmost attention to the recommendations of obstetricians. This period is considered the most risky for the health of the baby, so do not neglect the words of the medical staff, and carry out all their advice. At the end of the second period, obstetricians will place the child on your stomach, and you can apply it to your chest for the first time.

The third period of childbirth

The consecutive period takes 15-20 minutes and is painless. At this stage, the placenta is born. Usually this happens in 1-2 bouts. In some cases - tight attachment or increment of the placenta, obstetric care is required. Active management of the 3rd stage of labor consists in stimulation of uterine contractions and examination of the uterus in case of bleeding. The final stage of childbirth is accompanied by an examination of the woman in childbirth, an evaluation of the baby's condition, as well as an examination of the placenta.