Thunderstorm in November - popular signs

Many people study various signs and superstitions. This is not surprising, because most of these statements can really tell how to act in this or that situation. For example, a knowledge of popular beliefs about a thunderstorm in November can help get rich and even get rid of some ailments.

What does thunderstorm mean in November?

It is believed that this phenomenon speaks, first of all, of a short and warm winter with no frosty frosts and a large amount of fallen snow. But, this is just one of the signs. Also, folk wisdom says that if at the very beginning of a thunderstorm that happened in November to hug a stone that is on the street, you can get rid of pains in the joints and bones. It's true, or just superstition, of course, everyone should decide for himself.

It is also believed that if during thunder thunder and lightning flashes light the candles next to the icons, then the bad weather will not hurt either the house or the one who is inside it.

What does the thunderstorm mean in November, according to the esotericists?

People who are fond of esotericism believe that such a weather phenomenon in this month means anger of the higher forces and warns us that we should appease them. Independently conduct rituals that "calm" invisible to us beings, however, they do not recommend. And how to make the ritual yourself do not explain. But, they tell how it is possible to conduct a small rite for enrichment, in the event that a person managed to see the November thunderstorm.

Many people who believe in magic and magic believe that if during a bad weather with a thunder and lightning to take a coin in hand, rinse it under running water and then put in a full sugar refiner sugar, then you can draw money into the house. Whether this is really so is difficult to say. But, some people believe in the effectiveness of this tool.