Dumplings in a Merchant

Pelmeni - a popular mega-popular dish of dough with stuff like the vast majority of people in Russia and other post-Soviet territories.

It would seem that everything is simple: unleavened dough, stuffing from minced meat (usually pork with beef, sometimes with lamb or chicken), we sculpt and cook. And you can cook a more refined dish - pelmeni in a merchant way, we'll tell you how to do it.

It should be noted that the merchant class in pre-revolutionary Russia belonged to a very wealthy social class, therefore the recipes of dishes from the general menu were always distinguished by special approaches to cooking and the highest quality of the original products.

Rabbit dumplings in a merchant's way in a pot - recipe


For filling:

For gravy:

For submission:


We knead the dough: we sift the sifted flour with water or milk, add a pinch of salt and an egg.

Rabbit meat is minced into minced meat (meat mincer with medium nozzle, chopper or knife by hand). Mince slightly salted and season with ground black pepper.

The dough is rolled into the layers, we knock out the substrates with a punching mold or a round glass with a sharp edge, put a piece of minced meat into the center of each, fasten and tear the edges. We put the dumplings on a clean plank and place it in the freezer compartment of the refrigerator.

In a frying pan, melt the butter, lay very finely chopped mushrooms, lightly pass for 5 minutes, then pour in cream and Madeira. Then I pour under the lid for another 15 minutes. Add the garlic and spices to the finished creamy mushroom sauce.

Boil the dumplings for 5 minutes after boiling water and floating (water should be slightly podolit). Carefully remove the pelmeni with a noise and put it into a serving pot. Fill cooked dumplings gravy. Sprinkle with fresh herbs and grated cheese. You can cover the pots with covers, but this is not necessary. Without mixing, place the pots in the preheated oven for 5-8 minutes. Before serving, we put pots on ceramic plates or wooden stands.

To dumplings merchants of rabbit we serve strong wines or berry tinctures .