Crispy chebureks - recipe

Cheburek is a piece-piece from a fresh dough with a filling originally of Turkic-Mongolian origin. Currently chebureks are one of the types of traditional street fast food, popular in most of the post-Soviet territory, especially in the Caucasus.

In fact, a cheburek is a fried patty, the filling in which, more often than not, raw finely chopped meat (minced meat, usually seasoned with spices). Also as a filling use cheese, mushrooms, boiled eggs with onions and other herbs, boiled rice, vegetables. Sometimes different types of fillings are mixed, for example, minced meat, cheese and mushrooms.

Chebureks are usually fried in animal fat, according to the modern recipe - in vegetable oil. They are eaten hot or warm, immediately after cooking.

Good and tasty, when chebureks are obtained with a crisp, the main secret here in the recipe of the test, it is made with the addition of vodka in a small amount. Such a technique improves the structure of the dough during the heat treatment, i.e., frying.

Recipe for delicious crispy bubbly chebureks with meat, cheese and mushrooms


For filling:

For frying:


Combine flour mixed with starch sift in a bowl, add a pinch of salt, vodka, eggs, fat, water or milk. The dough can be kneaded with a mixer or first with a fork, then with hands.

Minced meat seasoning spices, add grated cheese, chopped garlic and greens, as well as finely chopped mushrooms (they can first boil in 20 minutes, do not pour the broth).

Roll out from the dough enough thin round cakes about the size of a small serving bowl. On one side of the flat cake, we evenly spread out the filling, level with the spatula, we fold the cake in the middle, cover the second side and fasten the edges in one way or another.

Fry the chebureks (each separately) in a frying pan in a large amount of fat, it is possible with a flip that on both sides evenly or during frying all the time we pour the cheburek on top with hot fat (using a tablespoon). We achieve beautiful ruddy color of crust.

We extract the cheburek with a shovel and lay it on a separate serving plate. We serve with mushroom broth or with freshly brewed tea.