Okroshka on kefir and mineral water

Each hostess has her own secret of cooking insanely delicious okroshki, given the preferences of the whole family. Some prepare cold soup from fermented milk products, while others love only the Russian version of the dish and insist on a recipe for okroshki with kvass.

In this article, let's talk about the most popular basis for okroshki - kefir, which is diluted with mineral water.

How to cook a delicious okroshka on kefir and mineral water - recipe

For a greater flavoring and add a little sour cream to the dish.



First, boil until potatoes and potatoes are ready, the latter must be hard-boiled. After cooling, clean and grind them in any convenient way. Also, optionally cut the greens, radishes and cucumbers. Mix all the prepared ingredients together, mix and mix with sour cream, and only now pour in kefir and dilute with mineral water until the desired consistency.

The recipe for cooking okroshki on kefir and mineral water



Wash the potatoes thoroughly and boil them in a peel. Eggs boil hard. Then, both components are cleaned and cut into cubes. In the same way, grind fresh cucumbers.

Remove the peel from the breast, cut the meat finely. Fold the chopped onions and dill in a bowl, add a pinch of salt and thoroughly mix with a wooden tolkushka, in order that the green formed the juice, and the okroshka became fragrant.

Mix all the ingredients, salt, add sour cream, mustard, stir a little. And now you can pour kefir, and then bring the mineral water to the desired consistency. Leave the okroshka for an hour in the refrigerator.

Classic okroshka - a recipe for kefir with mineral water



Peel the carrots and potatoes with small cubes. Also, clean and cut the eggs. Cube chop the sausage, radishes, cucumbers. Mix all the ingredients. Pour kefir, pour in the vinegar and dilute everything with mineral water. Now add the mayonnaise and add the dish to taste. Add finely chopped dill and stir well. Leave the cooked okroshka in the refrigerator for a couple of hours.

Fragrant okroshka on kefir and mineral water



Meat, eggs, potatoes and cucumbers cut into cubes. Celery chop as well, only much smaller. Cut finely the onion stalks and dill. Now, combine all the ingredients in a bowl, season with salt and mix.

In the plates, pour a thick filling portion and fill with kefir and bring to the desired consistency with carbonated water.