A break up

To the great regret, for today the relations between two people are not regarded as seriously as in the old days. People meet, people fall in love, and then ... diverge. There comes a misunderstanding from one or the other side, it turns out that a man who seemed to us unique and inimitable is not at all like that, and a break in relations begins.

This is always a very difficult moment in our life. If the rupture of the relationship took place by mutual consent, it is simpler, although both participants are experiencing it. But if one of the partners was abandoned, then the situation is more serious. The psychology of breaking relations is destructive - it is the collapse of all plans, the settled way of life. It seems that there is a hopelessness, everything can end even with a prolonged depression. And the person who throws, too, is really not easy.

The reasons for the severance of relations

Rupture of relationships can occur for a variety of different reasons. Relationships on the verge of a rupture seem to burn out, for a couple there comes a crisis. This can be caused by a number of factors, which for each pair will be different. The main reasons for the rupture of relations can be the following:

  1. The realization by one of the partners of the fact that the object of love is not at all what it seemed at first. There is a collapse of illusions, debunking the ideal created by us.
  2. Material difficulties, when one of the partners earns more than the other, as well as different views on the necessary costs of funds.
  3. The breakdown of long relationships, when a couple lives together, can also provoke life, impatience and rejection of the small shortcomings of their partner, which are so clearly manifested in everyday routine.
  4. Different plans for the future, different views on key life moments can also affect relations and provoke a break.

How to properly break the relationship?

If the couple has come to a similar crisis, and no tricks and tricks do not help, and efforts to keep the relationship lost, you need to think about breaking the relationship. The realization that a gap for a partner can be much more painful than for you, can postpone this gap for an indefinite time. But if for you it is unacceptably more is in a relationship with a partner, it is not superfluous to learn how to break off the relationship painlessly for both parties. There is some sequence of how to break off relations more civilized, without quarrels and scenes.

  1. Decide for yourself 100% that you really want to break off relations with this person. Analyze all the minuses of your relationship and remember them. Be ready to voice all these reasons to your partner.
  2. Plan the fatal conversation in advance, determine the place and duration of it. It will be much easier if the conversation does not become a lengthy conversation with the clarification of the relationship. Do not try to make such a mistake as an attempt to break off a relationship with a man by phone.
  3. Keep the conversation calm and keep your distance, be prepared for the emotional and unpredictable reactions of the partner, be firm and determined, but not aggressive.
  4. If you are determined, make it clear to the partner that any resumption of relations after the break is excluded.

The stages of the rupture of relations include a break directly - a key conversation on a given topic, a partner's awareness of the situation, a physical and material gap - documentary divorce or moving to a particular place of residence, addiction.

Relations after the gap between the two partners may deteriorate after a key conversation. As a rule, to remain friends after parting, especially when it was a surprise for one of the partners, is very difficult. The initiator of the gap is always necessary to maintain neutrality, and even goodwill towards the other partner.