How to bewitch someone who likes it?

Many girls and guys, feeling sympathy, do not decide to get attention on their own, and think how to bewitch someone who likes. However, before deciding on such rituals, it is worthwhile to understand that the spell is not a game, but a serious action of black magic that will have serious consequences.

Consequences of the spellbound

The spell has a destructive effect on those who imposed it, and on those who, against their will, became a victim. For example, the behavior of a charmed man can only resemble the behavior of a lover, but the motives will be completely different. A boy in love goes on a date to see his beloved sooner, he is happy to be with her, and without it he misses, but still rejoices that he met her. A man is behaving in a different way: he is ill, he suffers without the one that has fascinated him, however, and with it he is not sweet. He is drawn to her, but his whole nature protests, and in the end he feels not happiness, but guilt, pain, suffering and fatigue. This feeling is not at all like love, and it does not bring happiness to anyone.

As a result, the person who was bewitched, begins to suffer from nightmares, insomnia , fears, and sometimes hallucinations. All this often leads to the development of schizophrenia and other mental illnesses. Exhausted and tired, such a person constantly thinks about suicide, and sometimes decides to kill his "customer". However, if they charmed a woman, everything is the same with her.

If you are still considering how you can bewitch a guy or a girl, do not forget that the payoff will overtake the customer. Relations with the enchanted will be excruciating and scandalous, this is not at all what a person who wants to bewitch a loved one imagines. However, this is not the main danger: such a person begins to ache, get sick, and lose the opportunity to have children. In some cases, such people still have children, but with terrible deviations in the physical and mental plane.

How to bewitch a man from a distance?

Now that you have the information for consideration, consider how to bewitch a loved one. There are many ways, and as an example,

  1. Cemetery spell on 40 crosses . At midnight on the growing moon, come to the old cemetery, where there are crosses. Approach the first, rest your hand on it and read the text, and so 40 times, each time near the new cross: "The deceased souls under the crosses, lying, not looking at the light, into the temple you are in a hurry, do not speak the words, do not eat you and Do not drink, do not sin with lust. I will ask you about myself and (name). Let him (a) love me passionately, all the world through me will forget. Let him not drink, let him not eat, he does not sin with lust, he runs from all roads to me, in the morning, at noon and at night. Let him (a) get tired of without me, longing, hug and caress me, lust needs to be healed with me. Yes, I'll show him (her) lighter than a month of clear, beautiful sun of red. You who are deceased lie on your seats and guard my words. So that grandma is a sorceress, not a devil's wench, neither a grandfather a sorcerer, my words did not kill anything, and they did not turn him away from the dear one. A wooden cross, eight ends, my word for forty locks. I close the forty keys and throw the key into the river. So be it . "
  2. Privorot on the apple . Take a thin paper, cut a piece, write a "siva" on one, the other on the name of the person you are fascinating. Pile up the paper together and wrap around with three hairs and three hairs of the guy you are beaming. Put it all in an apple that you personally tore off the branch on Friday before sunrise. Fix the halves, piercing them with a branch from the same apple tree. When the apple dries, it needs to be put in bed to the beloved.

Knowing how to bewitch a lover, and what consequences this will have, be sure to weigh everything again.