Conspiracy to cool

There are situations when the relationship is over, but the feelings still remain. In this case, a cold will help, which relieves of "unnecessary" feelings. Many are interested in when to correctly read the plot to cool, so that it will work. The ideal time for such rituals is the waning moon, since it is believed that along with the night light, feelings will decrease.

Conspiracy to cool between husband and wife

This ritual can be used when you need to get rid of feelings after divorce and separation. For him, prepare a photograph of the former lover. Put it on the table in an inverted state. Take an ordinary glass, fill it with water, and cover it with a piece of black bread. Put a glass in front of the photo and, looking at it, say these words:

"The slave (the name of the person you should stop loving) stand, as you stand. Bread lies as you lay. I will mention you slave (his name) not with love, but with cold blood. How I (my name) completely forgot how, as a child, the first step was made, as my first tooth grew, so now and forever I will forget you slave (his name). Amen".

Ritual should be carried out during the week 3 times. In this case, it is necessary to change the water, and give the bread to the birds.

Conspiracy to remove colds

Ritual should be conducted only if there is certainty that someone has had a negative impact on the relationship. For him it is necessary to prepare a root of licorice, a dogrose and leaves of a dandelion. In the tank, connect all the components in the same proportions and pour them with boiling water. Within 10 min. stir the broth and during this talk such a conspiracy to cool:

"I fill with hot, herbs water effervescent and burning.

This potion gives power. He removes the plots woven,

Plots spelled out, spellbound.

I remove everything from myself and from my beloved husband.

I return happiness, I clean up my troubles, I restore love.

I endow my conspiracy with power, do not break it, do not bypass it to anyone now. "

The next step is to strain the broth. If desired, you can put some honey. Drink a drink and give to the lover. If nothing changes in a week, then repeat the ritual again.

Conspiracy to cool to the opponent

To get rid of your mistress, you need to acquire poppy seeds. To begin the ritual it is necessary on Tuesday evening, looking at the Moon. On the grain say these words:

"Thirty-three crows are flying, they carry thirty-three stones, they will pop a poppy in my doorstep, they will curse my rival (name) with their beaks. Macu this will never germinate, he will guard me and my house, protect them from rivals, keep family happiness. Throwing crows thirty-three stones, on my threshold, who wish to destroy my happiness, he takes all the stones. May it be so. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Pop the Mac in front of the threshold of the house, and when the husband steps over the grains, the ritual will begin to act. It is important that no one knows about the rite, otherwise it will not work.