Symptoms of the evil eye and spoilage

The first thing that comes to mind to a person who suspected of having a spoilage on himself is the question: "Why me?". And this question is praiseworthy, for indeed, in order to avoid a repetition of the situation, it is necessary to change something in my life, but, alas, people consider this question purely rhetorical, as if the opportunity to regret itself once again.

Believe me, the symptoms of evil eye and spoilage appear on the person for a reason. Energy must come from something, and, usually, the negative energy of a third person arises only when we ourselves have sent this person our best wishes. Quarrels, lies, aggression on our part, just transformed into a retaliatory strike against our own aura.

How to recognize spoilage?

So, if you already suspect something, do not go immediately to the sorcerers, try to determine whether there are symptoms of evil eye or spoilage yourself. Alas, sorcerers are also dishonest, and it is much more profitable for them to discover your spoilage, not to dispel your fears. It's like in medicine: go, take tests, and we'll find the disease!

First of all, the symptoms of spoilage on a person begin (regardless of the type of spoilage) with health problems. It can be a mild ailment, a cold for a cold, there may be an unexplained allergy, or maybe more serious - a serious illness for a disease, when doctors hardly cure one sore, discover a new one.

And the characteristic symptom of spoilage and the evil eye is that "spoiled" does not want to go to the doctor, despite bad health. There is irritation, nervousness, fear, anguish, depression . Such a person instinctively does not want to see his reflection in the mirror, he is afraid and bypasses the crowded places.

In the house of "spoiled" insects (ants, cockroaches) are planted, but their neighbors do not.

The evil eye on the house

Perhaps, the damage was directed not at you personally, but at your house. This happens after you invite people of envious people to visit, and they, seeing your wealth, comfort, well-being, mutual understanding in the family, begin to hate for it all your home.

Then the feeling of fear, lack of comfort arises in all household members. Under your roof quarrels and scandals begin to boil over, mutual understanding disappears. A characteristic symptom of induced damage is the behavior of domestic animals: cats want to leave the "spoiled" house, and dogs bark for no reason.

There is always an auditory hallucination that someone is knocking at the door or calling, although there is no one there.

If the holy water is stored in such a house, it can fade. And on the walls may appear different drawings.