Ward of evil people

Unfortunately, in life there are sometimes ill-wishers who can harm us. It's good that there are protections from evil and envious people.

How to make a charm from evil people with their own hands?

To create many amulets in general, no special skills are required. The simplest talisman is an English pin. She is pinned to the wrong side of the clothes in the heart. If the pin has darkened, it means that it absorbed a negative on the person, so it must be urgently buried in the earth in some uninhabited place. The fact is that the pin will keep your energy for a long time, and it is very important that no one uses it for its evil purposes.

The most powerful amulets have long been considered pieces of animals, such as bones, teeth, skin, feathers, etc. To such talismans can be attributed a dream catcher, made by own hands. To hang this amulet is on the wall near the bed at the head of the bed. From evil people and negative energy will help a bouquet of thistles on the windowsill or near the front door.

Ordinary salt can also be used as a guard against evil people. A handful of table salt can be thrown unnoticed after an ill-wishers, with the words: "take what you want to me."

Knowing how such simple amulets work , you can reliably protect yourself and your family from evil people.

The custom to create an amulet from evil people with their own hands came to us from ancient times. According to the beliefs, when a person makes a self-defense, he gives it a piece of his own power. The most common are amulets from damage and the evil eye. For example - God's eye, which moms do for their children. For its creation, two small wooden sticks must be folded across each other and tied with several multi-colored tangles of yarn, as shown in the figures below.