How to become pregnant after a miscarriage?

Unfortunately, many women, pregnant, face the problem of miscarriage and the long-awaited meeting with the baby they have to wait for many years.

But, the couple who survived the miscarriage, sooner or later again returns to the issue of pregnancy planning and wonders how it is possible to become pregnant after a miscarriage. In a purely physiological plan, getting pregnant after a miscarriage is quite easy. As a rule, the probability of getting pregnant after the first miscarriage is about 80%.

Is it easy to get pregnant after a miscarriage?

The situation with the psychological side of the issue is more complicated. After all, a couple who has already gone through an unsuccessful pregnancy will feel afraid to face the emotional shocks they have already experienced.

Many women after a miscarriage, on the contrary, try to become pregnant as soon as possible. But doctors agree that attempts to conceive a child should be undertaken no earlier than 6 to 12 months after the miscarriage. If pregnancy occurs at an earlier time, then it is likely to interrupt spontaneously. If the pregnancy occurred almost immediately after the miscarriage, the woman must necessarily be under strict medical supervision from the very first days of pregnancy and until the birth.

Before you get pregnant again after a miscarriage , the couple should always consult a doctor, undergo a comprehensive examination and, if necessary, be treated.

If the doctor suspects that the cause of miscarriage were genetic disorders, then the man and the woman will need to undergo chromosome tests.

The cause of spontaneous abortion can be partner's diseases (for example, prostatitis and adenoma cause a violation of spermatogenesis, and, therefore, can lead to genetic changes in the fetus).

Sometimes after a miscarriage a woman does not get to get pregnant again. In this case, it is also necessary to consult a doctor to find the cause of the problem with conception.