Prostatitis and conception

There is such an opinion that the cause of childlessness is most often a woman, but there is a male disease, which very often deprives a married couple of the happiness of being parents. And this disease is prostatitis.

Does prostatitis affect conception?

Prostatitis is the most common disease of men in the genital area. According to statistics, about 50% of men age 50+ encountered this problem. Disorders in the prostate gland affect the reproductive capacity of the male body and can deprive the male offspring.

How does prostatitis affect conception?

The prostate gland produces secretion, which is part of the seminal fluid. She is responsible for the activity and vitality of spermatozoa. Inflammation of the prostate worsens the quality of the ejaculate, and this is due to the negative effect of prostatitis on conception.

There are four main forms of this disease:

The most negative effect on conception is chronic prostatitis. The complexity of this condition lies in its asymptomatic flow. Therefore, the couple tries to conceive a child, not knowing about the male illness.

Chronic prostatitis and conception

The disease with chronic prostatitis has a direct effect on pregnancy, since the quality of sperm does not allow conceiving a child. In addition, an infectious disease can be transmitted to a partner during sexual intercourse. Such infection can lead to the defeat of the female sexual system and adversely affect the conception or the already formed fetus.

But the inflammation of the prostate is not a sentence yet. Conception of the child with prostatitis is possible, although the chances of conceiving and bearing a healthy child are significantly reduced. With the correct approach to treatment of the disease and the observance of all recommendations, the chances of becoming parents significantly increase.

Most often, women are concerned about the problem of prostatitis and conception. Men start to sound the alarm when it's all bad, when sex instead of satisfaction brings only a feeling of discomfort, and sometimes it becomes impossible at all. But we must understand that the more serious the severity of the disease, the more difficult it is to cure it.

Prostatitis - conception is possible

Treatment of prostatitis begins with the formulation of an accurate diagnosis and the establishment of the causes of inflammation. The correct approach should include the following steps:

  1. Establishment of the root cause, which led to inflammation.
  2. Direct treatment of the disease itself.
  3. Prevention measures to exclude the possibility of relapse.

Pregnancy planning begins with a spermogram. With its help, you can will determine the quality of sperm. With the results obtained, you need to contact a urologist-andrologist specialist. The doctor, drawing on the results of the spermogram, will outline a treatment plan. In case of poor results, the patient will be directed to the delivery of other tests (for hormones, the secret of the prostate, the definition of infections, etc.), as well as ultrasound of the prostate. A woman should also undergo a checkup to find out if she is infected with an infectious prostatitis. After a full study, treatment is performed. Drug therapy includes treatment with anti-inflammatory drugs and antibiotics, suppositories, physiotherapy, reflexology and massage. In addition, the future dad recommended compliance with strict diet and a balanced diet. An active lifestyle and strong immunity will help cope with the disease and acquire a healthy offspring.