Signs on Peter and Paul

Since ancient times it was believed that almost every Orthodox holiday has its own traditions and signs. People have been saving them for many years, and today everyone can use this knowledge for free. The holiday of Peter and Paul in the old days was also called: Red summer, Green mowing, Petrov day, etc.

Signs on the feast of Peter and Paul on July 12

Since Peter before calling on the apostolic ministry was engaged in fishing, in Russia this day was considered a holiday of fishermen. The fishermen never answered the question, where they are going, because they believed that the water will not help in fishing. For successful catching, people went to the river early in the morning and lit a church candle before sunrise. If the candle completely burned to the appearance of the first rays, then the whole year it will be possible to count on a good catch.

Signs of the day of Peter and Paul on July 12:

  1. If this holiday is very hot in the yard, then the sunny weather will last two more weeks.
  2. To hear after Peter the singing of nightingales is a sign indicating that winter will come in October, and if the cuckoo is to be crocked, summer will be long and winter will not come soon.
  3. In the morning on the day of Peter and Paul it rains, then the harvest will be bad. If the bad weather lasts until dinner, it is a harbinger of a rich harvest.
  4. One significant sign on Peter and Paul - it is forbidden to eat berries, vegetables and fruits of a new crop. If you break the ban, then the person deprived himself of his fate. For young people, the violation of the prohibition means loneliness for many years. It is believed that if a person still ate something, then he needs different fruits and be sure to take the apples of a new crop to the church and give to the poor.
  5. To see morning dew on the grass - mowing will be rich.
  6. If the whole day July 12 is sunny, then the next summer will be warm and long.
  7. To have a good harvest of fruit, you need to sprinkle the gardens with young apple wine.
  8. Another important sign on the day of Peter and Paul - in the evening people always had dinner and after eating they were not removed from the table, so that the souls of deceased relatives could celebrate this holiday. If a person violated this tradition , then he had to go to church the next day and put candles for the repose of relatives.
  9. It was obligatory to participate in the fair that day. It was believed that the more a person sold, the more money he would receive throughout the year.
  10. Another popular sign for Peter and Paul - on this holiday on the table should be 12 dishes, like months a year.
  11. Many on this day went to the forest to find the Petrov root. People believed that this plant allows you to see the treasures and be happy.
  12. Since ancient times, it was believed that the medicinal herbs after the feast of Peter and Paul lose some of their properties, so they should be collected until this day.

Some signs in the feast of Peter and Paul are associated with the customs that all people observed. One of the famous rituals is called "watch the sun". In the evening on the eve of the holiday, girls and boys gathered and walked around the village. They led round dances, sang songs and told stories at a fire. It was believed that anyone could sit until the morning and do not fall asleep will be happy and successful throughout the year. Girls on this holiday wove on birches pigtails from branches and tied them with a ribbon of red color. If after three days the pigtails were decoupled, one could expect favorable changes in life.

Fortune-telling on the day of Peter and Paul

It was believed that all the conspiracies read on that day would be effective and give the desired result. Young girls performed the ritual on a married man. July 12, you need to go to the field and collect 12 different plants, and then, put them under the pillow. Going to bed, you need to close your eyes and say such a conspiracy :

"Twelve colors from different fields, twelve well done!" Who is the betrothed-mummer, show yourself to me and take a look at me. "