Lazarev is Saturday - what can not be done?

In order to determine what can not be done in Lazarev's Saturday, one must understand the whole essence of this day and feel the importance of the events described in the holy scripture of the Bible.

So, what is this Lazarev's Saturday holiday? As indicated in the scriptures, Lazarus was considered a friend of Jesus. Christ often hung it, and they communicated a lot. One day, Lazarus became very ill when he saw this, Jesus, greatly upset, said: "Your illness will lead not to death, but to the glorification of the Son of God." After a while the patient died. Christ received this message and let out a tear, and then went to his burial and resurrected Lazarus, who lived for another thirty years, glorifying our savior.

On this day, every Orthodox should devote his thoughts to the above events, death, the sense of being and the future of his soul.

Can I work on Saturday in Lazarev?

Hard work on this day is a serious sin . On the question whether it is possible to wash in Lazarev Saturday, clean the house, wash dishes and do other household chores, the answer is categorically negative. The main work should also be put aside.

On this day, you can descend on the vertebral twigs. They are then brought to the church for further consecration. Read the Bible - try to understand and understand what this day is about.

It is not welcome, but it is allowed to deal with cases of prime necessity (correction of an emergency situation, household affairs related to childcare, etc.).

What can you eat in Lazarev Saturday?

Traditionally, the housewives bake buckwheat pancakes this day, prepare dishes from different porridges and beans. If desired, you can make a pumpkin dessert. What is interesting, on this day allows you to bring in your diet fish eggs and vegetable oil.

Any alcoholic drinks other than wine are prohibited. Wine is allowed in small quantities, to directly remember Lazarus. On this date, not welcome fun or a tumultuous feast.

The traditions of Lazarev's Saturday

This day, young girls are supposed to go to their houses and sing songs. In gratitude, the owner of the house to these girls should give a raw egg and a symbolic amount of small money. As soon as the ceremony ends, the girls should all be divided equally.

To the next year passed in abundance, there is a tradition to whip each other with willow branches.