Inflammation of the urethra

A fairly common disease in both women and men is inflammation of the urethra. In itself, it is not dangerous, but can cause the spread of the infection to other organs. This disease is very unpleasant and disrupts the normal course of life. What causes inflammation of the urethra - urethritis? The reasons for it may be infectious or not.

Infectious urethritis

It is caused by pathogens of sexually transmitted diseases, most commonly gonococci, chlamydia, Trichomonas and others. This infection is transmitted sexually. Also, the inflammation of the urethra in women can be caused by staphylococci, E. coli or fungi. The disease occurs when the mucosa does not cope with the bacteria, and they begin to multiply actively. This happens under the influence of such factors:

Symptoms of inflammation of the urethra

With a mild form of the disease, only a slight burning and pain is felt when urinating . But if you do not start treatment in time, then the inflammation process develops, and other symptoms appear:

If you ignore the first symptoms of inflammation of the urethra , it will go into a chronic form. In this case, patients complain of a constant mild abdominal pain at the pubic level. There may also be complications in the form of cystitis or a violation of the vaginal microflora.

Treatment of inflammation of the urethra

When the first symptoms appear, you should always be examined by a doctor. After all, the treatment depends on which bacteria caused the inflammation. The most difficult to treat is urethritis with gonorrhea. In this case, several antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs, vitamins, immunomodulators and physiotherapy procedures are prescribed.

Treatment of other types of infectious urethritis is carried out by uroantiseptics, for example, Monural, Ampiox, or Furazolidone. The duration of their admission is prescribed by a doctor and depends on the severity of the disease. In addition, it is mandatory to treat the underlying disease that caused urethritis. With a complicated form, the urethra is washed with local antiseptics. And to support the body and help it fight the disease, vitamins and immunostimulating agents are prescribed.

How to treat inflammation of the urethra, if it is not caused by an infection?

  1. Sitting baths with decoction of chamomile, calendula or with potassium permanganate are helpful.
  2. It is necessary to adjust the diet: to exclude from the diet all spicy, salty and smoked, and also drink more water, herbal decoctions or cranberry juice.
  3. For the duration of treatment, you must avoid hypothermia, physical activity and sexual contacts.
  4. Exclude alcohol and smoking.

It is very important that a woman wear free linen from natural materials, observe the rules of personal hygiene and do not restrain the urge to urinate.