Uterine prolapse - symptoms

Omission and prolapse of the uterus is one of the most common pathologies in which the uterus descends into the vagina or extends beyond the genital tract. Falling or dropping of the uterus after childbirth occurs quite often. At the first degree of omission of the uterus, not pleasant sensations may not be, and the pulling pains before the monthly woman does not pay attention. If you do not treat the omission of the uterus at an early stage, it will progress and lead to prolapse.

Causes of uterine prolapse in women

The reasons for the loss of the uterus in women are the following:

Uterine prolapse - symptoms

There are 3 degrees of ovulation of the uterus:

  1. At the first degree the uterus is displaced downwards, but the cervix is ​​in the vagina.
  2. At the second degree the cervix can be located at the entrance to the vagina, and the uterus is located in the vagina. This condition is regarded as incomplete loss of the uterus.
  3. Complete prolapse of the uterus corresponds to the third degree, in which the vaginal walls are turned outward, and the uterus is located below the genital slit.

The main signs of the prolapse of the uterus is the definition of the fallen uterus with the walls of the vagina. For complete loss, the bladder and rectum descent are characteristic, and as a result, a violation of urination and defecation, pain in the lower back and sacrum.

It can be concluded that timely begun conservative treatment is an excellent prophylaxis for prolapse of the uterus . To do this, a special set of exercises (Kegl exercises), which will strengthen the muscles of the pelvic floor and stop the process of ovulation of the uterus. In far-reaching cases, a woman is offered surgical treatment (removal of the uterus).