Dangerous days for conception

In modern medicine, there are many ways that you can avoid unwanted pregnancies. One of the methods of contraception is the so-called conception calendar, according to which it is possible to easily identify both favorable and dangerous days for conception.

What is the conception calendar?

This method of calculating safe days has a second name - the method of Ogino-Knaus. It is based on the understanding of the woman's mechanism of her own menstrual cycle. According to this method, the spermatozoon is viable in the fallopian tubes for 3-4 days, and the egg can be fertilized only in 2-3 days. According to this, to the girl's established ovulation day, it is necessary to add 2 days before and 2 days after. Thus, a 5-day window is set, the most dangerous days for conception. For example, if the girl has a cycle of 28 days, then on the 11-16th day, the onset of pregnancy is very likely. In order to get a big guarantee, it is recommended to add not 2, but 4 days on each side.

What is the reliability of the calendar method?

Physicians found that the reliability of this method is on average 30-60%. That is why it is not worthwhile to rely entirely on it as the main method of contraception. The main drawback of this method, for calculating with it the most dangerous days for conception, is the fact that a woman's menstrual cycle should be perfectly regular. In reality, only a few women do not complain about the consistency of menstruation. In young girls, due to abnormalities in the work of the ovaries, ovulation can take place in different months in different ways.

Establishment of safe days by measuring the basal temperature

The best method for calculating dangerous days for conception is to measure basal temperature. You can learn it by measuring in the rectum, i.e. rectally. To get the right values, the procedure should be done in the morning, even before the girl gets out of bed. It is important that the body remains at rest for at least 6 hours of sleep. Those. if you get up at night in the toilet, measurements can give an error. The values ​​are fixed for 3-4 months. In different phases of the cycle, the basal temperature changes under the influence of hormonal changes in the woman's body. Normally, at the beginning of the menstrual cycle, the temperature does not exceed 37 (36.4 - 36.7 degrees). Shortly before the onset of ovulation, the temperature decreases slightly, and then, at the moment when it occurs, stably holds at a mark above 37-37.2 until the onset of menstruation (about 0.3 degrees). On the eve of the onset of menstruation, the temperature should again decrease slightly. If this does not happen and the temperature continues to hold at a level above 37 degrees, most likely, the egg was fertilized and pregnancy occurred . However, the results of an increase in basal temperature during this period may also indicate the presence of an infection or other disease.

Thus, the day of ovulation, plus 3 days before, and 3 after, are the days when the probability of subsequent pregnancy is very high. Knowing this, a girl can easily calculate the days dangerous for conception.

Menstruation days - safety for conception?

The appropriateness of sexual intercourse during menstruation is a rather controversial issue. Some consider this a rather unhygienic process. Some women, sex in these days, gives special sensations and pleasure. But most of all there is disagreement over whether it is possible to conceive a child these days.

According to studies conducted in gynecological clinics, the emergence of ectopic pregnancy is most often observed precisely in cases when sex was committed during menstruation.

Thus, the girl, knowing which days are dangerous for conception, can make a calendar in which they will be displayed. This will avoid the occurrence of unwanted pregnancies. However, completely rely on the physiological method is not necessary, because very often as a result of various diseases, hormonal failures can be observed in the female body.